• I am struggling with the SimpleFolio theme on my site https://www.concealandcarryhq.com.

    Every time I add a page, regardless if I tell it to add the page to the main menu it includes it anyway. From the admin interface it looks like I should have to explicitly tell it to add new pages to the menu, but that isn’t how it is working. Can someone help point me in the right direction about what I need to do to not include every page in the main menu?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Thread Starter Brock Poling


    I am using IXWebhosting.

    I uploaded my graphic with an FTP program (I use FileZilla) and then put the URL directly into the Custom Logo field. I created a custom directory to store the custom images I upload.

    Can you connect to your hosting account with FTP?

    Brock, thank you so much for posting your tips on this theme. Can you tell me how you placed those ads by google and the code? I’m having the hardest time figuring that out.

    Thread Starter Brock Poling


    Sure, no problem.

    I presume you have an account at Adsense? If not you can get one at https://www.google.com/adsense. Once you set it up it takes them a few days to approve you (they check out your site first).

    After that log on and generate an ad. In my case you see two types of ads

    1. A link ad which is 728×15 that is placed above the banner graphic in the header, and
    2. A Medium Rectangle ad which is in the sidebar

    You generate these ads in your Adsense account, and when you are done you click Save and Get Code. This pops a box where you can put the code into your copy buffer.

    Here is where/how I placed the code.

    Link Ads above the banner:

    For these, I modified the header.php file. Place your link ad code between:


    <div id="main">
    			<div class="container">

    and here:

    <div id="slider1">
    <img src="https://www.securityguardtraininghq.com/1.png" border="none">
    <div class="slogan">
    <h2><br>Conceal and Carry - Information and Training Classes</h2>

    For the Medium Rectangle ads on the right side, here is how to place them:

    In your Widget’s menu place a text widget in your right hand side bar widget (you can place several of these widgets in the sidebar).

    Open the text widget

    Paste the code Adsense generated for you in the text widget. Save it.

    And that is it.

    It takes about 10-20 minutes for ads to start showing up. For me, they were not well targeted at first, but over the course of a couple of days they started placing ads that were topically close to my page content.

    Let me know if you have any problems.

    Show me your blogs/sites. I would love to take a look at what you guys are working on.

    thanks a lot! im just tinkering with my blog. its still barebones. still undecided about the theme and this one seems to give me too much trouble. how did u get rid of the home wigets and made your front home page look like a page/post type of page under the banner header?

    Thread Starter Brock Poling


    Have you tried the Thesis theme? I really like that. It has a ton of functionality and there are lots of skins available for it so you can dramatically change the look. I have barely messed with the code on the sites I use Thesis on.

    You might give that a shot.

    Hi there,

    Sorry to bother you considering the last time you posted was 5 months ago but your explanations seem to be the closest to what I need…
    I’m currently working on a website seo4searchengine.co.uk and I can’t modify the top nav at the top…
    I followed your explanation above and now the top nav disappeared and the footer nav stayed the same as before (About, Home, Portfolio, SEO blog)…
    Did you give a specific name to the “custom menus” in the menus options?

    Your help would be much appreciated, I’m getting really confused now about what to do to have the menu in the right order (Home, About, Portfolio, SEO blog)

    Thanks in advance

    Thread Starter Brock Poling


    Hi. I am happy to try to help, but remember, I am not really a coder, I just figured it out by digging in the code and dissecting it.

    Are you trying to get your site’s menus to work the same as mine with the drop down menus?

    I am happy to post my code if you would like.

    Hi Brock,

    Thanks very much for your quick response, I finally managed to sort out what I was trying to do. Spent hours looking for codes issues when I actually didn’t see an option in the menus section…
    All sorted!

    Thanks again for quick response!
    Best wishes for 2012

    Hi all, I’m trying to figure how works the navigation menu of SimpleFolio, but I got problems trying to modify it.
    I followed these instructions to make the menu editable: https://www.njcmedia.com/2011/03/simplefolio-add-custom-menu-support/

    But now the menu falls down the header.

    my web is https://www.jlmirall.es/oysiao

    Anyone can help me?

    Another problem I have is I don’t know how to put a menu item to link the home page with all the post (like the link of the image).

    sorry if I ask here, but the SimpleFolio webpage is not active now.

    Thread Starter Brock Poling


    I think if you sift through this thread from the beginning, and try some of the code ideas you will get what you need.

    I had these problems too, and most of what I did is in this thread.

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