• Upon default activation of page, minify, database, object and browser – I was getting the folling insider the cached page:

    //Minified using disk
    Page Caching using disk: enhanced
    Database Caching 52/241 queries in 0.294 seconds using disk
    Object Caching 5912/6407 objects using disk

    Thereafter I tried configuring minify. Then I am not getting the above log in cached page. If disable Minify – I am getting it again.

    If I don’t get the log – doesn’t it mean that those cache are disabled now/

    How to restore to normalacy with Minify working with other cach options.

    regards, riu


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  • Thread Starter ri4u


    Ok. Now I reactivated Minify. And If I enable HTML & XML too – it stops giving me the log.

    Without HTML % XML – I get the followings:
    //<!– Performance optimized by W3 Total Cache. Learn more: https://www.w3-edge.com/wordpress-plugins/

    Minified using disk
    Page Caching using disk: enhanced
    Database Caching 3/159 queries in 0.190 seconds using disk
    Object Caching 3930/4275 objects using disk

    Served from: vpolitico.com @ 2013-10-19 10:04:16 by W3 Total Cache –>

    What should be settings in HTML and XML section in Minify?

    regards, Riu

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