I have created a page using elementor (free). Inside a section I have placed a heading and a text editor and inside the text editor I put the following shortcode
[fpc_post_grid grid=”3″ limit=”3″ show_author=”false” show_date=”false” image_height=”400″]. I hit save and view the page. All is working well.
When I try to translate the page using WPML, I have 3 fields to translate: title of page, heading and the text editor containing the shortcode. I fill all three fields with the information needed. I hit save, and the circle next to button keeps spinning and spinning. If I try to view the translated page, I see the title and the heading but nothing in the shortcode place. The posts are translated so this is no problem.
I have tried using the shortcode widget of the elementor instead of text editor, but I get the same results.
I have also tried placing the above shortcode in an empty page and translating it. Although I get past the saving part in the translation process, when viewing the translated page, I get nothing.
Everything is updated apart from WP which is in v5.3.2.
Thank you for your time.