• Resolved mihail1101



    I started this https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/problem-with-mycred-and-wpdiscuz-2/, but now my problem doesn`t solved.

    Each time I use some functions of wpdiscuz I have this problem.

    For example, if I click the “sort” button in the comments near the ranks, an empty image appears again, which I need to remove.

    The code you provided in the previous topic helped, but only partially. If I do something in the comments, I get the same problem again, as if the code works if I don’t do anything.

    What i can do?

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  • Plugin Support gVectors Support


    Hi @mihail1101,

    Please use the following Code:

    add_filter('wpdiscuz_after_label', 'wpdiscuz_mc_after_label_html', 110, 2);
    function wpdiscuz_mc_after_label_html($afterLabelHtml, $comment) {
        if ($comment->user_id) {
            if (function_exists('mycred_get_users_rank')) { //User Rank
                $rank = mycred_get_users_rank($comment->user_id);
                if (is_object($rank)) {
                    if ($rank->logo_url) {
                        $afterLabelHtml .= "<img src='{$rank->logo_url}' title='{$rank->title}' class='mycred-rank wp-post-image' alt='{$rank->title}'/>";
                    } else {
                        $afterLabelHtml .= $rank->title;
            if (function_exists('mycred_get_users_badges')) { //User Badges
                $users_badges = mycred_get_users_badges($comment->user_id);
                if (!empty($users_badges)) {
                    foreach ($users_badges as $badge_id => $level) {
                        $imageKey = ( $level > 0 ) ? 'level_image' . $level : 'main_image';
                        $imgSrc = get_post_meta($badge_id, $imageKey, true);
                        if ($imgSrc) {
                            $afterLabelHtml .= '<img src="' . get_post_meta($badge_id, $imageKey, true) . '" class="mycred-badge earned" alt="' . get_the_title($badge_id) . '"  title="' . get_the_title($badge_id) . '" />';
        return $afterLabelHtml;
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