No. The issue is that “Prevent other scripts from handling plugin’s links” option cannot work with your theme’s script (the scrolling and offset works by entering the URL directly because your theme’s script does not prevent it).
“Prevent other scripts from handling plugin’s links” option attempts to remove javascript click events from other scripts (other than the plugin’s event), but some scripts (like the one in your theme) apply events in way that makes it impossible to remove them by code.
This means that you have to do it manually (i.e. edit the theme’s script by hand).
You meed to edit:
which is minified btw.
Find the following text:
$j(document).on("click",".main_menu a,
and change it to:
$j(document).on("click",".main_menu a:not(._mPS2id-h),
Find and replace the exact text!
Save the file and see if works. If it doesn’t work, try changing it to:
$j(document).on("click",".main_menu a:not([href*='#']),
Let me know