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  • Plugin Author Jose Conti



    Theoretically, it should not influence at all that WPML is adding what it adds.

    The problem with 403 is that some plugin is blocking the URL. I think you mentioned that you were using a protection plugin for the site. What was it?

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter emanuele2783


    I use cloudflare and wordfence, I had this problem before with orders coming from the English version of the page, cloudflare was blocking the notification message, so basically I contacted Redsys and got the DNS and add them into clodflare whitelist and since then it worked properly, but now with the translation it does not.

    Here is the DNS Redsys sent me: Puerto: 443 Puerto: 443 Puerto: 443 Puerto: 443

    Plugin Author Jose Conti


    If the English version works fine, the problem must be Wordfence.

    I don’t know which of the multiple configurations it has must be the problem, but surely it is something related to strings, post or URL.

    If you don’t find the problem, you can install iThmes Security (removing Wordfence), and make sure you don’t have the following settings active:

    – Banned Users > Disable “Default Black List”
    – System Tweaks > Disable “Suspicious Query Strings” & Disable “Long URL Strings”

    Thread Starter emanuele2783



    I deactivated wordfence and made an order to see if the notification message goes through, but I did not. I still have the same problem, so it looks like wordfence has nothing to do with this issue.

    What else could it be?

    Plugin Author Jose Conti


    Please, login in Redsys, and Check the order. You will see an eye near the order, press it. There Will be something like “HTTP Server respond”. There has to be a number. Which number is it? Normally it would be 200.

    Thread Starter emanuele2783


    I went in the section you said and I don’t see what you are asking to check, here is all I see:

    Fecha y hora 28/01/2020 15:12:09
    Comercio 346859580
    Terminal 1
    Descripción Pedido 48983
    Fecha de sesión 28/01/2020
    Tipo de operación Autorización
    No pedido 799000048983
    Resultado operación Autorizada
    Noautorización 309633
    Importe 0,10 EUR
    Importe devuelto 0,00 EUR
    No sesión 1
    Tipo de pago ServiRed-Finanet
    Moneda EUR(978)
    Pais de conexión Espa?a
    Código tipo operación 0
    Permite devolución Si

    Fecha y hora28/01/2020 15:13:14Tipo notificaciónHTTPModo de comunicaciónSíncronaResultado operación0000Cod. respuesta servidorError (Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: notificación notificaciónDs_SignatureVersion=HMAC_SHA256_V1&Ds_MerchantParameters=eyJEc19EYXRlIjoiMjglMkYwMSUyRjIwMjAiLCJEc19Ib3VyIjoiMTUlM0ExMyIsIkRzX1NlY3VyZVBheW1lbnQiOiIxIiwiRHNfQ2FyZF9UeXBlIjoiRCIsIkRzX0NhcmRfQ291bnRyeSI6IjcyNCIsIkRzX0Ftb3VudCI6IjEwIiwiRHNfQ3VycmVuY3kiOiI5NzgiLCJEc19PcmRlciI6Ijc5OTAwMDA0ODk4MyIsIkRzX01lcmNoYW50Q29kZSI6IjM0Njg1OTU4MCIsIkRzX1Rlcm1pbmFsIjoiMDAxIiwiRHNfUmVzcG9uc2UiOiIwMDAwIiwiRHNfTWVyY2hhbnREYXRhIjoiIiwiRHNfVHJhbnNhY3Rpb25UeXBlIjoiMCIsIkRzX0NvbnN1bWVyTGFuZ3VhZ2UiOiIxIiwiRHNfQXV0aG9yaXNhdGlvbkNvZGUiOiIzMDk2MzMiLCJEc19DYXJkX0JyYW5kIjoiMSJ9&Ds_Signature=H3cAC5X8lmQ29POBbXI1BgxAcphFuUpjmKmh0SEAdR8=

    Fecha y hora28/01/2020 15:13:14Tipo notificaciónE-MailModo de comunicaciónAsíncronaResultado operación0000Cod. respuesta servidorCorrecto (OK)Destino notificació[email protected] notificaciónDs_TransactionType:0; Ds_Card_Country:724; Ds_Card_Brand:1; Ds_Date:28/01/2020; Ds_SecurePayment:1; Ds_Order:799000048983; Ds_Hour:15:13; Ds_Response:0000; Ds_AuthorisationCode:309633; Ds_Currency:978; Ds_ConsumerLanguage:1; Ds_Card_Type:D; Ds_MerchantCode:346859580; Ds_Amount:10; Ds_Terminal:001; Server URL:

    Plugin Author Jose Conti


    This: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 This is forbidden, so something is blocking Redsys.

    Please go to WPML settings, and configure the languages as directories so Spanish will be /es/

    And try again.

    Thread Starter emanuele2783


    I already tried that, it does not work.

    As far as I understand I have to create a page rule in cloudflare.

    Do you know anything about that?

    Plugin Author Jose Conti


    No, I’m sorry.

    Are you using Free or Paid CloudFlare?

    Thread Starter emanuele2783


    I am using the free version

    Plugin Author Jose Conti


    With the free version, you have very little control over CloudFlare’s configuration.

    Thread Starter emanuele2783


    I solved the problem myself, for next cases tell them they have to whitelist all the IP of Redsys in the Firewall section of Cloudflare.

    Thank you. Bye

    Plugin Author Jose Conti


    But this is what I told you on WhatsApp, that you go to this page and perform the steps I explained about CloudFlare. I thought you had already done it.

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