• Resolved fermanus


    I just realized that on my local site I cannot visualize invoices or packng slips. Instead In woocommerce -> pdfinvoices -> preview, I get this message: Error trying to generate document: The PHP GD extension is required, but is not installed.
    If i try to edit an older invoice in woocommerce->orders I get a more complete message.

    Exception: The PHP GD extension is required, but is not installed.
    C:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\wp-content\plugins\woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips\vendor\dompdf\dompdf\lib\Cpdf.php (5833)
    #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\wp-content\plugins\woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips\vendor\dompdf\dompdf\src\Adapter\CPDF.php(677): Dompdf\Cpdf->addPngFromFile('file://C:\\xampp...', 57.442913385827, 733.29354330709, 120, 79.5)
    #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\wp-content\plugins\woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips\vendor\dompdf\dompdf\src\Renderer\Image.php(68): Dompdf\Adapter\CPDF->image('file://C:\\xampp...', 57.442913385827, 29.096456692913, 120, 79.5, 'normal')

    …etc… total of twenty similar error lines

    I have php 8.13, wordpress 6.02, woocommerce 6.9.2 and the latest version (3.1.1) of “woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips”. Until recently the plugin worked without problems and is still working on my live site (fortunately). On my live site, I have the
    same PHP, WP, Woocommerce and woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips versions.

    What is this PHP GD extension and why should I need it?

    Thanks for your help.

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  • Plugin Contributor Yordan Soares


    Hi @fermanus,

    GD is an extension for PHP that need to be activated on the server side. You can check whether it’s installed or not under WooCommerce?> PDF?Invoices?> Status?> System?Configuration. If you need to activate it, please contact your hosting provider and ask them to do it.

    Thread Starter fermanus


    Thanks for your rapid answer (this is not so common).
    Regarding PHP GD, I am the “hosting provider” (localhost) so I asked myself to activate it. Just a semi-colon to remove in PHP.ini so I could do it and the problem was solved.

    Plugin Contributor Yordan Soares


    I’m glad to hear that you managed to make it work by yourself! ??

    If you don’t mind and have the time, do you think you could leave us a review?

    Thanks in advance and all the best with your store!

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