• Resolved jureknafelc


    I have a little problem with using your plugin in combination with WP-Members plugin, witch I am using to limit the ability to create new adds only to users with “Contributor” role. Basically I wrap your shortcode in WP-Members plugin shortcode and it all works fine. But once I enter all the info in the form and click the “Preview” button the WP-Members plugin blocks the preview page from actually being shown and so the add can never be published.
    Is there a shortcode for the preview page (preview content) there as well, as that could easily fix my problem.

    Jure Knafelc

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  • Plugin Author Greg Winiarski


    Hi, no there is just a single shortcode for Ad Form, Preview and Save pages (unless you are using WooCommerce integration then the save page will redirect to WC checkout).

    One thing you can try is to remove the WP Members shortcode from the page and use the [adverts_add] as [adverts_add requires=”edit_posts”] then only users with capability “edit_posts” will be able to use the form.

    You can additionally customize the error message display to unprivileged users using the requires_error param.

    Please see https://wpadverts.com/documentation/allow-users-to-post-ads-adverts_add/ for more details.

    Thread Starter jureknafelc


    Hi Greg and thank you for the reply. I spent some time trying to resolve the problem of the two plugins contradicting each other but even with the [adverts_add requires=”edit_posts”] shortcode the preview page doesn’t work properly. Basically after clicking the “Preview” button the submitted data goes on a loop and creates 500+ temporary classified adds.
    To solve the problem I have just split the register/login page and the create new add page into two separate pages. Now I would just need to change the custom error message to also include two new links to the register and login pages. Is there a way to do that? I have tried using custom html code inside the message itself but that didn’t work. It would be awesome if I could style the message itself as well – change font size and color.

    Jure Knafelc

    Plugin Author Greg Winiarski


    i understand you mean the error message in [adverts_add] on red background (“Only logged in users can access this page. …”)?

    If so then there are two ways to do that, either use [adverts_add] as:

    [adverts_add requires="edit_posts" requires_error="Custom error message here"]

    Or you can use the login_url and register_url filters to change the login and registration links.

    add_filter( "login_url", "my_login_url", 10, 3 );
    function my_login_url( $login_url, $redirect = '', $force_reauth = false ) {
        if( is_admin() ) {
            return $login_url;
        $login_url = "https://custom-login-url/";
        if ( ! empty( $redirect ) ) {
            $login_url = add_query_arg( 'redirect_to', urlencode( $redirect ), $login_url );
        if ( $force_reauth ) {
            $login_url = add_query_arg( 'reauth', '1', $login_url );
        return $login_url;
    add_filter( 'register_url', 'my_register_url' );
    function my_register_url( $url ) {
        if( is_admin() ) {
            return $url;
        return "https://custom-registration-url/";

    The code you can add in your theme functions.php file, just change “https://custom-login-url/” and “https://custom-registration-url/” to actual URLs you use on site.

    Thread Starter jureknafelc


    Yes, I was talking about the message on the red background. I would like for my “Custom error message” in
    [adverts_add requires="edit_posts" requires_error="Custom error message here"]
    to also include “login” and “register” links.
    Right now if I try to add a link inside the code, the custom message just breaks and reverts to the default message.
    Im looking for a way to include “login” and “register” links inside my custom message.

    Plugin Author Greg Winiarski


    Ohh ok, i did not notice the HTML does not work in the shortcode.

    In this case, you will need to customize the message using a plugin like Say What? https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/say-what/ it is maybe a bit complicated but will allow you to change the phrase without modifying original source code.

    The phrase itself is in file wpadverts/includes/shortcodes.php on line about 273, you can change it there if you want to but using the Say What? plugin is recommended.

    Thread Starter jureknafelc


    Greg, thank you very much for all your help. The “Say What?” Plugin you suggested did exactly what I needed. I was thinking of just changing the source code of the plugin but that would just mean every update would break it and I was trying to avoid that.

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