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  • Plugin Support Bruce (a11n)


    Happiness Engineer

    Hi @passegua

    I took a look and your Jetpack connection looks great. When I click on that link it forwards me to

    Can you clarify what you’re expecting to happen? Are you expecting that page to appear on your sitemap?

    Thread Starter passegua


    I just would like to understand why Google Search Console gives me those warnings+errors:
    Google Search Console:
    “Blocked by robots.txt
    These pages are not indexed or published on Google”

    But if you say it’s all right I’ll discard those warnings.


    Hi @passegua

    That should be normal; those pages are not meant to be indexed since they don’t contain any content. If you look closely, you’ll notice that that specific link is intended to help you share your website’s link on WhatsApp.


    Thread Starter passegua


    Thanks, but I cannot understand why Google Search Console send this warnings.
    Best regards

    Plugin Support lastsplash (a11n)


    Hi @passegua

    I’m not sure why Google Search Console gives the warning. You may want check their documentation for more information on that. Since it’s beyond the Jetpack plugin, unfortunately, we can’t say why that happens.

    Since this concerns functionality outside of Jetpack, I’m going to mark this thread as resolved. However, if you have other questions about Jetpack in the future, feel free to open a new thread.

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