Problem with site map
I’ve deactivated all plugins and use as best replacement WordPress SEO. Created a map of the site without problems. Later in the admin area of WordPress plugin SEO appeared warning:
The following file(s) block your XML Sitemap from working properly:
Either delete them (you can do this by clicking the “Fix”) or deactivate WP SEO XML site map.
——(sitemap_index.xml) в этой папке нет! Может этот файл лежит в другом месте и редиректом ссылается на корень сайта? Как видите у меня вордпресс установлен в папку (horline). Как исправить эту проблему с картой сайта?.
Went on hosting admin panel and to the file Manager (www/, but the no file sitemap (sitemap_index.xml) in this folder!
Can this file is in a different place and the redirection refers to the root of the site? As you can see I have WordPress installed in a folder (horline). How to fix this problem with the site map?
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