• Hello I have a problem when I try to set a CDN into W3 total cache:

    1.-I have a custom programming but I put the path of that programming into the “Rejected files:” field

    2.-When I try to access to my custom programming (through one link of my home page, for example “EVENTOS ARTíSTICOS) and I try to filter for example for this parameters: https://dreamsandadventures.com/cotizacion-de-eventos/#filtro/la_actividad_tipo_de_expereincia|Artísticas

    When loading the page, appears in the console of Chrome this message:

    Font from origin ‘https://cdn1.dreamsandadventures.com’ has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘https://dreamsandadventures.com’ is therefore not allowed access.

    I try to solve that with my hosting because is the provider of the CDN, but don’t have the solution for that issue.

    The most weird is why launch the console that error if I put the path of the files of our custom programming in the “Rejected files:” field?.

    I need know what is wrong, and solve as soon as possible, I hope you can help me with that, thanks.


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