• Resolved toilebleue


    Hello and congratulations for your super simple and effective plugin.
    On the other hand I have a problem, in the product image gallery the thumbnail image of the video is not displayed, I simply have a white square instead.
    I use Flatsome as a theme, I tried several options related to gallery management and nothing works (the thumbnail is not displayed)
    Is there a solution ?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • Plugin Author Martin Valchev



    I understand that the Flatsome theme uses a lot of custom elements, which can make it challenging to integrate with plugins that rely on standard HTML elements. To better assist you, could you please provide a link to the page where you’re experiencing the issue? This will help me analyze the specific elements and provide a solution tailored to your needs.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter toilebleue


    Thank-you for your prompt response !
    I don’t know if I found the solution, but I put the video first in the gallery and especially when we downloaded the video there is a display latency in the product sheet and if the video is not displayed and we save I have the impression that this does not generate the thumbnail
    I will keep you informed as I use it

    Plugin Author Martin Valchev


    Glad you found a solution for your case. If you have time to leave a rating for the plugin, it would help me a lot.


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