• Hello,
    I have a problem with the titles on the flags of Polylang. When I hover over the flag, it appears as a title:

    img src=”image/png;base64,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” alt=”English”

    and there is no way to take it off.

    Polynang say: This is an issue with your theme. Some themes change the way WordPress displays the menu and uselessly duplicate the menu item content in the title attribute. As your menu item includes an image, all the html code for the image is added to the title attribute, which cannot work. You need either to remove the flag from your menu item or to ask the theme author not to duplicate the menu item content in the title attrbute (which is useless anyway).

    Can you help me? Thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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