• Resolved Rich


    When I go to this page, I often get this:

    Refreshing the page does not fix this. However, some times the page displays properly. It seems random.

    I do not get this problem with any other page which pulls data from the database.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Kim L


    Hi @rpm765,

    Do you have a caching plugin active?

    WP Data Access adds a token to every request to prevent unauthorized access.

    A token is valid for 24 hours. If the user stays on that page for 24 hours, the user gets a “token expired” message.

    Refreshing the page will usually solve this issue. This will not work if a page is cached.

    In that case, the token is cached as well and will become invalid over time.

    Adding exceptions for cached pages using tokens will solve this issue. If cache exceptions are not wanted or preferred, the killToken option can be added to a data table.

    Read how to add the killToken option to a data table here: Disable token check

    Hope this helps! Let us know if you have more questions. ??

    Thread Starter Rich


    Thanks for this. I will check on the caching plugin and the kill token option.

    However, I only have the problem on THIS PAGE. All of the other data selection pages work fine.

    Thread Starter Rich


    I had the W3 Total Cache plugin active. I disabled it and the page seems to work OK now. The site gets so little traffic that I probably don’t need that plugin anyway.

    Plugin Contributor Kim L


    Hi @rpm765,

    Thanks for the updates! We’re glad that worked. ??

    I’ll mark this thread as resolved now. Feel free to make a new thread if you have new questions.

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