• Resolved vmalo


    Hello there I got the free version of Translate press and on the website of my customer I got an issue where the tax does not translate in french in the Cart page but work fine in the Checkout page…

    All the string has been updated correctly.

    I would like to know if there are a way to fix it ?

    Best regards.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Anca



    Could you please tell me if, when you open the Translation Editor on the cart page, you can select the taxes and add the translation? You can also search for the taxes in the list of strings.

    If the translation appears to be added in the Translation Editor but not on the cart page, there might be an issue related to cache, security, or optimization plugins. You can deactivate these to check if the correct translation appears.

    Let me know how this goes.

    Kind Regards,


    Thread Starter vmalo


    Yes I can search it and modify it but It won’t apply to the website.

    I’ve try to clear the cache from elementor, from the extension clear cache for me and Lightspeed cache and also from Chrome does’nt work

    I’ve try to unable all extension except elementor pro and woocommerce still does’nt work

    Seriously I have no clue why it does’nt apply on this page but work fine on the checkout page.

    Thread Starter vmalo


    Could someone help me figure this out please ?

    Plugin Support Anca



    I have tested this issue, but it did not reproduce on my end. The tax translation on the Cart and Checkout pages worked correctly.

    Since this looks a lot like a conflict with some other code, the next recommended step is the conflict test (ideally in a staging environment):

    ??Briefly disable all other plugins and enable the default Twenty Twenty theme. Please also disable all add-ons. If this fixes the problem, enable everything one by one, checking each time to see when the problem returns.

    You can also try translating that string using Loco Translate: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/loco-translate/

    Kind Regards,


    Plugin Support Anghel Emanuel


    Hello there,

    Since 5 days have already passed without getting any replies from you, I will close this thread and mark it as “Resolved”.

    If there’s anything else, please let me know!

    Kind Regards,

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