• Resolved aclys



    My website worked fine with http and had a few hundred unique visitors per month, but since I started using SSL (Let’s Encrypt) without a CDN (I quit cloudflare, because it didn’t seem to work with my hoster). The unique visitors dropped from a 3 digit number to something close to zero.

    W3TC is a very complex plugin and it seems I m the only one with this problem since nothing turned up in the SERPs dealing with the exact problem I have.

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  • Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic



    I am sorry about the issue you are having and I am happy to assist you with this.
    Have you tried disabling W3 Total Cache and see if your issue persist?

    Thread Starter aclys


    Hello @vmarko

    I have disabled it, yes. And the problem persists. On the other hand, after disabling it, another plugin recognized there must be a cache plugin, said, that I should switch a specific option on / off (because of the cache plugin recognized). Why I am mentioning this? Because, if this plugin knows there must be a cache plugin, although disabled, other plugins, wordpress, the server’s system whatever, might also know. Meaning disabling it means nothing to plugins, wordpress, etc. Might not change a thing.

    Can I reset the settings somehow? And what are the best options / setting to use, with SSL (Let’s Encrypt), no CDN?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by aclys.
    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    In Performance>Page Cache>General sub-box, there is an option “Cache SSL (https) requests”. Enable/disable it and see if the issue persists. If so, please try the following:
    1. Purge Cache
    2. Deactivate and Delete Plugin
    3. Check .htaccess File (make backup)
    W3TC will create many directives in the .htaccess file to control the caching behavior. Each section will start and end with comments like “#BEGIN W3TC Page Cache core” and “#END W3TC Page Cache core”.
    Ensure that no residual entries are leftover in your .htaccess file after deleting the plugin.
    4. Delete the following files and folders in your wp-content folder
    – cache folder
    – w3tc-config folder
    – object-cache.php (if exists)
    – dbcache.php (if exists)
    – advanced-cache.php (if exists)
    – upgrade folder (if exists)
    – In wp-content/plugins/ delete the w3-total-cache folder (if exists)
    – W3 Total Cache folder in wp-content/plugins/(if exists)
    5. Delete Cached Files from CDN (if using CDN)
    Besides deleting all the relevant files, if you use CDN then ensure to purge the cached content from your CDN. This is necessary when you enabled minify option in W3TC settings. You should delete the minified and combined scripts and CSS files from your CDN server to avoid the site breaking on the browser.
    If the issue continues to occur, there might be a possibility that you have another caching solution or the plugin that “recognizes there must be a cache plugin” is throwing false reports.
    I hope this helps.

    Thread Starter aclys


    There are no entries in the htaccess generated by the plugin.

    I have disabled the cache ssl option and will check back after an hour or so.

    Thread Starter aclys


    @vmarko – if the issue persists after deleting, can I re-install W3TC again? And if so, do you have any suggestions for the best settings (SSL via Let’s Encrypt, no CDN)?

    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @aclys,

    Yes, you can re-install W3 Total Cache again. The only thing W3 Total Cache can do is Caching of HTTPS pages: on the page cache settings page, you can “Cache SSL (https) requests” (uniquely) for improved performance.
    Make sure to purge Cloudflare if you are not using it (disable the extension in Performance>extensions).

    Thread Starter aclys



    Thanks. The Https option was on during the last installation.

    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @aclys,

    You are most welcome!

    Thread Starter aclys


    @vmarko Since the problem isn’t solved, you have any ideas where to look at?

    Can it caused by SSL in general?

    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @aclys,

    I suggest you contact their support for assistance on this.

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