• Today I’ve got problem with WordPress timezone. All my scheduled post did not work properly as it was.

    Please help me to fix. I set timezone to Ho Chi Minh time but it was not a Ho Chi Minh time zone.

    My local time is 2:16 AM but on WordPress it appears “Local time is 2014-09-01 10:14:18”

    it is same day but different time.

    Please see the enclosed picture – https://truyengay.mobi/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Untitled.png

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  • (the screenshot shows UTC 3:14:18 and localtime 10:14:18

    Most likely your web hosting has the wrong time or timezone on their server. Suggest that you contact your web hosting support.

    (My suspicion is that your web hosting is 1 hour East of you, have their system clock set to their localtime and their timezone set to UTC)

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