• WordPress Uniquefier Plugin Introduction
    Say bye bye to duplicate content.
    Now, with WordPress Uniquefier v3.4 all your articles are 100% unique
    What is Uniquefier and how is it going to help you?
    Uniquefier is a WordPress Plugin which once activated will turn your blog content from duplicate to unique. All it takes is 1 single click to activate the plugin and everything will be 100% unique content.
    You may be wondering how is this possible? Well, it is indeed, and no it’s not one of those article rewriters or any spinners you may have heard of. More, the articles will be the same for your site visitors, the changes which are being made to the articles are in the backpage, in the page source, changes which are not visible to the visitors, but only to the search engines bots and browsers. We are not adding hiding text or any kind of such activities which are strictly forbidden, the Uniquefier uses a simple, yet highly effective mechanism of turning your articles unique. It is a well known fact that search engines (for google has been proofed) can run and index non advanced JavaScript from your pages. This is why, by using a special technique we place the original articles under a JavaScript run. This way:
    you get original content as the way you show the articles is different than just a pure copy+paste
    search engines understand what an untrained human eye can’t
    The method it’s working and it’s bulletproof. Version 1.0 has been tested by hundreds of customers, v 2.0 turned things even more perfect. It’s now time for v3.0 to take you to the limit.
    Copyscape Passed Unique Content
    As a proof of the uniqueness it’s producing, Copyscape, a leader in duplicate content detection, proofs all the articles as unique after using the WordPress Uniquefier Plugin.

    Short and simple: upload the plugin to your wp-content/plugins directory and activate it from your wordpress admin panel. That’s all, you’ve got yourself a unique content stream. All your existing and future posts will automatically be seen as unique content. No changes are made to your database, so if on any moment you want to disable the plugin, the posts will go back to their original state. Trust me, you won’t want to disable it ever.

    Uniquefier 3.4 new features
    -the possibility to keep specific posts unchanged.
    -no more compatibility problem with any other plugins you may use like wp-youtube or phpbay
    -now your rss feed will work without problems in all feed readers
    -automatic updates notification
    -custom themes compatibility (if you are having problems with the post “excerpt”, a version of the Uniquefier is included to fix it.)
    -it’s working with all languages not using special chars
    If you are having automated blogs or you are using automated posting scripts like feedwordpress or wp-o-matic you may want to know that this plugin it’s compatible with both of them or any other you may be using.
    Keeping an eye on SEO

    Using Uniquefier won’t impact your SEO. It is a known fact that search engines know how to index the javascript we are using. It’s been 3 months since the Uniquefier got life, since then customers have gone up to 200%-300% more traffic 2 weeks after using the Uniquefier. Needle to say that all their websites are unique content for search engines.

    this is Analog serach engine site page
    after use
    Title: How to save on gas without buying a hybrid vehicle | how to choose a car
    KeyWords: save on gas, hybrid vehicle
    Description: Your driving habits can also increase or decrease your vehicle\’s fuel economy. Racing in traffic, jack rabbit starts, and excessive idling to warm your car can increase consumption.

    Body: how to choose a car What before choosing a car should you know? Main menu Skip to content HomeAbout How to save on gas without buying a hybrid vehicle Posted on August 22, 2010 by admin This entry was posted in cars. Bookmark the permalink. Post navigation How to find a good auto repair shop Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Comment You may use these HTML tags and attributes: a href= title= abbr title= acronym title= b blockquote cite= cite code del datetime= em i q cite= strike strong Search for: a New Cars Australia Auto best car best tips buy cars car Car Sell cheap cheap car cheapest Choosing a Car dubai Fast Finding Great Tips how to buy a cheap car how to buy a new car How to Buy New Cars how to buy used cars How to Choose how to choose a car in Australia India Insurance new car New Cars perfect Pricey purchase racing car sale saleman sales salesman small car Small cars sources sports car Successful supercars tips used car used cars Useful Tips buying guide (3) car Insurance (2) car loan (3) car sales tip (9) cars (14) cheap car (6) cheapest car (1) Financing a Car (2) how to buy new cars (7) how to buy used cars (2) how to choose a car (7) new car (13) purchase tips (10) supercars (2) used car (7) WP Cumulus Flash tag cloud by Roy Tanck requires Flash Player 9 or better. August 2010 M T W T F S S 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 3031 Recent Posts How to save on gas without buying a hybrid vehicle How to find a good auto repair shop Easy tips for car battery maintenance How to choose a child seat that will fit your car How To Buy Best Car Seats For Toddlers Archives 2010 August 2010 (45) Categories buying guide car Insurance car loan car sales tip cars cheap car cheapest car Financing a Car how to buy new cars how to buy used cars how to choose a car new car purchase tips supercars used car Recent Commentsadmin on 6admin on How to Choose the Best Car GPS Navigation System(best Tips )Blogroll Documentation Plugins Suggest Ideas Support Forum Themes WordPress Blog WordPress Planet Meta Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS www.ads-software.com Powered by WordPress Portfolio.

    Deactivate this plugin
    i get these
    Title: How to save on gas without buying a hybrid vehicle | how to choose a car
    KeyWords: save on gas, hybrid vehicle
    Description: Your driving habits can also increase or decrease your vehicle\’s fuel economy. Racing in traffic, jack rabbit starts, and excessive idling to warm your car can increase consumption.
    Body: how to choose a car What before choosing a car should you know? Main menu Skip to content HomeAbout How to save on gas without buying a hybrid vehicle Posted on August 22, 2010 by admin With the highly volatile price of gasoline it is incumbent upon drivers to get the most miles for their gallon of gas. For many, purchasing a new car is not cost effective or may not be a viable option at this point in time. This means getting the best mileage possible from the current vehicle owned. There are many ways commuters can reduce the amount of gasoline they consume in their day-to-day driving. The obvious solution is to drive less. For many, that is not feasible. The distance from home to work does not change. Some options that are available to you today can be things you can do with very little or no money needed to implement them. Research the route you normally use to work. Do you travel the interstate when alternate side roads are available? Check the traffic flow on these side roads. It would be better to drive slower on alternate routes than parked on the interstate burning gas with no forward motion gained. The obvious options include routine maintenance items on your vehicle. Ensure all four tires, and now would be a good time to check the spare as well, are inflated at the pressure stamped on the sidewall of the tire. Ensure you perform this check while the tires are cool, not warm from a recent trip. Check your air filter. If it is clogged, the engine is not getting as much aspiration as it should, literally starving for air resulting in incomplete combustion or burning of the fuel injected. This means some gas is not being burned that is being injected into the cylinder. Unburned fuel is wasted fuel. If you cannot see daylight through the filter when it is held up to the sun, replace it with a quality filter. Checking the spark plugs is another maintenance item to consider. Ensure your spark plugs are properly gapped and the electrode is clean for each cylinder. A spark plug that is not firing means that cylinder is having fuel injected into it that isnt being burned. It also means the remaining cylinders are working harder to carry the load the non-firing cylinder should be. If you have a newer model, these cars have been designed with aerodynamics in mind. Manufacturers have wind tunnel tested many models. These wind tests were performed with the windows closed. At higher speeds, using your cars air conditioning actually does not reduce mileage but increases it. The higher speeds place drag on the car through the open windows; drag reduces mileage. If you drive a pickup, remove that net and reinstall the tailgate. If you drive with the tailgate lowered, bear in mind that it has been proven a closed (up) tailgate is more fuel efficient than one lowered or removed. When driving, a pocket of air forms inside the bed of a pickup with a closed tailgate. Wind that flows over the top of the cab slips along that air pocket with no drag or friction. An open or removed tailgate prevents that pocket of air from being formed. The air flowing over the cab drops down into the bed and drags along the entire length of the bed affecting the fuel economy in a negative way. Your driving habits can also increase or decrease your vehicles fuel economy. Racing in traffic, jack rabbit starts, and excessive idling to warm your car can increase consumption. Fuel injected cars do not require excessive idling in cold weather and can typically be driven within 15-30 seconds after starting. If your car is equipped with an oil pressure gage, ensure the pressure has begun to register before driving. If you car is only equipped with a warning light regarding oil pressure, it should be off before driving. Drive slowly, no more than 25 MPH for a few minutes, like you would normally do when leaving your neighborhood for work. This should provide enough time for the engine to warm sufficiently allowing the oil viscosity to thin enough to flow freely through the engine. Reducing or combining trips, removing unneeded items, and paying attention to driving habits can all help to reduce your gas consumption, increasing the fuel economy. This entry was posted in cars. Bookmark the permalink. Post navigation How to find a good auto repair shop Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Comment You may use these HTML tags and attributes: a href= title= abbr title= acronym title= b blockquote cite= cite code del datetime= em i q cite= strike strong Search for: a New Cars Australia Auto best car best tips buy cars car Car Sell cheap cheap car cheapest Choosing a Car dubai Fast Finding Great Tips how to buy a cheap car how to buy a new car How to Buy New Cars how to buy used cars How to Choose how to choose a car in Australia India Insurance new car New Cars perfect Pricey purchase racing car sale saleman sales salesman small car Small cars sources sports car Successful supercars tips used car used cars Useful Tips buying guide (3) car Insurance (2) car loan (3) car sales tip (9) cars (14) cheap car (6) cheapest car (1) Financing a Car (2) how to buy new cars (7) how to buy used cars (2) how to choose a car (7) new car (13) purchase tips (10) supercars (2) used car (7) WP Cumulus Flash tag cloud by Roy Tanck requires Flash Player 9 or better. August 2010 M T W T F S S 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 3031 Recent Posts How to save on gas without buying a hybrid vehicle How to find a good auto repair shop Easy tips for car battery maintenance How to choose a child seat that will fit your car How To Buy Best Car Seats For Toddlers Archives 2010 August 2010 (45) Categories buying guide car Insurance car loan car sales tip cars cheap car cheapest car Financing a Car how to buy new cars how to buy used cars how to choose a car new car purchase tips supercars used car Recent Commentsadmin on 6admin on How to Choose the Best Car GPS Navigation System(best Tips )Blogroll Documentation Plugins Suggest Ideas Support Forum Themes WordPress Blog WordPress Planet Meta Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS www.ads-software.com Powered by WordPress Portfolio.

    i want to konw will the plugin affect serach engine Grasp my page??

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