• Hello,

    after the automatic update to WordPress 4.2.3 done last Friday by wpengine (the host company), my emails are not going out. I have a setup where I generate an additional email programmatically using the hook wpcf7_before_send_email, and since Friday, after the upgrade, I get this warning message in the logs:

    [Mon Jul 27 15:49:50.188452 2015] [:error] [pid 15604] [client] PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /nas/wp/www/cluster-42167/…/wp-content/themes/…/functions.php on line 214, referer: […]

    When checking the line 214, the code that is executed there is

    $wpcf7_data->skip_mail = true;

    It looks like if the $wpcf7_data object has not been created for some reason. Could it be that after the upgrade this isn’t working correctly? We have not made any changes to the code. Right after this line, we have this

    $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();

    where we pull the data that was submitted to generate the additional email. But the variable $submission is also empty.

    Any references to similar problems for anyone? Is there a known fix for this for 4.2.3?

    Thank you.


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  • Thread Starter scalare


    I’ve just updated CF7 to version 4.2.1 to see if the upgrade would get this fixed, and I still get the same issue.

    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    Let me see the whole function hooked to wpcf7_before_send_email.

    Thread Starter scalare


    Hi Takayuki, thank you for getting back to me. I’m sorry that I could not get back to this. There were other projects that required my urgent attention. Here is the whole function (I had to replace the name of the website with “…” because there is a non-disclosure contract in place)

    add_action(‘wpcf7_before_send_mail’, ‘my_wpcf7_before_send_mail’);

    function my_wpcf7_before_send_mail($form) {

    $wpcf7_data->skip_mail = true;
    $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();
    if ($submission){
    $posted_data = $submission->get_posted_data();
    if ($posted_data[‘send_on’]== date(“m/d/Y”)){
    // Card does not have to be scheduled


    $subject=$sender_name . ” has sent you an e-card.”;

    $mime_boundary = “—-… e-Cards—-“.md5(time());

    $headers = “From: … e-Cards <ecard@….com>\r\n”;
    $headers .= “Reply-To: … e-Cards <ecard@….com>\r\n”;
    $headers .= “MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n”;
    $headers .= “Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\”$mime_boundary\”\r\n”;

    $email_part1 .=”
    <meta http-equiv=’content-type’ content=’text/html; charset=windows-1250′>
    <meta name=’generator’ content=’PSPad editor, https://www.pspad.com’&gt;

    <div style=’background-color:#3a7f7b;’>
    <!–[if gte mso 9]>
    <v:background xmlns:v=’urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml’ fill=’t’>
    <v:fill type=’tile’ src='”.get_bloginfo(‘home’).”/wp-content/themes/…/images/email_pattern.jpg’ color=’#3a7f7b’/>
    <table height=’100%’ width=’100%’ cellpadding=’0′ cellspacing=’0′ border=’0′>
    <td valign=’top’ background='”.get_bloginfo(‘home’).”/wp-content/themes/…/images/email_pattern.jpg’>

    <table width=’600′ cellpadding=’10’ cellspacing=’0′ style=’border:10px solid #FFFFFF;margin-top:50px;’ align=’center’ border=’0′>

    <table width=’100%’ cellpadding=’20’ cellspacing=’0′ border=’0′ bgcolor=’#FFFFFF’>
    <td style=’padding:15px;’ align=’center’>
    <img src='”.get_bloginfo(‘home’).”/wp-content/themes/…/images/logo_email.jpg’ alt=’…’/>
    <td align=’center’>
    <p><font face=’Times New Roman, Georgia, serif’ size=’4′>“.$sender_name.”</font> <font face=’Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif’ size=’3′>(“;

    $email_part2=”)</font> <font face=’Times New Roman, Georgia, serif’ size=’4′> has sent you a … e-card.</font></p>
    <td align=’center’>
    <a style=’border:none;’ href='”;

    $email_part3=”‘ target=’_blank’><img src='”.get_bloginfo(‘home’).”/wp-content/themes/…/images/get_…ed.jpg’ alt=” border=’0’/>
    <td align=’center’>
    <p><font face=’Times New Roman, Georgia, serif’ size=’4′>You can view your … e-card by clicking \”Get …ed!\” or by <a style=’border:none;’ href='”;

    $email_part4 =”‘ target=’_blank’>clicking here.</font></p>

    <p><font face=’Times New Roman, Georgia, serif’ size=’4′>Check us out at ….com.</font></p>



    <table width=’600′ cellspacing=’0′ cellpadding=’10’ border=’0′ align=’center’ style=’border:10px solid #FFFFFF;background:#FFFFFF;margin-bottom:50px;’>
    <tr><td align=’center’>
    <p><font face=’Times New Roman, Georgia, serif’ size=’2′>If you prefer that people not send you … e-cards, please click here</font></p>


    </html> “;

    add_filter( ‘wp_mail_content_type’, ‘set_html_content_type’ );

    remove_filter( ‘wp_mail_from’, ‘wpse_new_mail_from’ );
    remove_filter(‘wp_mail_from_name’, ‘wpse_new_mail_from_name’);

    // lets start our custom link with the hashed id
    $ecardlink = get_bloginfo(‘home’).”/receive?card=”.$hashfield;
    // we’ll start with recpient 1 but override this later if we need to (i.e. if more than one card is sent)
    $recipientvar = ‘&recipient=1’;
    // and finally we have our final link (we’ll overwrite this for each user
    $ecardlinkfinal = $ecardlink.$recipientvar;

    $message = $email_part1.$user_email.$email_part2.$ecardlinkfinal.$email_part3.$ecardlinkfinal.$email_part4;
    wp_mail($recipient1, $subject , $message, $headers);

    if ($recipient2) {
    $recipientvar = ‘&recipient=2’;
    $ecardlinkfinal = $ecardlink.$recipientvar;
    $message = $email_part1.$user_email.$email_part2.$ecardlinkfinal.$email_part3.$ecardlinkfinal.$email_part4;
    wp_mail($recipient2, $subject , $message, $headers);

    if ($recipient3) {
    $recipientvar = ‘&recipient=3’;
    $ecardlinkfinal = $ecardlink.$recipientvar;
    $message = $email_part1.$user_email.$email_part2.$ecardlinkfinal.$email_part3.$ecardlinkfinal.$email_part4;
    wp_mail($recipient3, $subject , $message, $headers);

    if ($recipient4) {
    $recipientvar = ‘&recipient=4’;
    $ecardlinkfinal = $ecardlink.$recipientvar;
    $message = $email_part1.$user_email.$email_part2.$ecardlinkfinal.$email_part3.$ecardlinkfinal.$email_part4;
    wp_mail($recipient4, $subject , $message, $headers);

    if ($recipient5) {
    $recipientvar = ‘&recipient=5’;
    $ecardlinkfinal = $ecardlink.$recipientvar;
    $message = $email_part1.$user_email.$email_part2.$ecardlinkfinal.$email_part3.$ecardlinkfinal.$email_part4;
    wp_mail($recipient5, $subject, $message, $headers);

    remove_filter( ‘wp_mail_content_type’, ‘set_html_content_type’ );
    add_filter( ‘wp_mail_from’, ‘wpse_new_mail_from’ );
    add_filter(‘wp_mail_from_name’, ‘wpse_new_mail_from_name’);


    Thread Starter scalare


    I forgot to explain that I had to do this because this is an e-card system, and we allow the users to send a card to up to 5 different email addresses, and the content in the email is dynamic, so I needed to be able to generate the email content on the fly, and send a customized email body to each recipient.

    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi



    function my_wpcf7_before_send_mail($form) {
    $wpcf7_data->skip_mail = true;

    Where do you think this $wpcf7_data variable comes from?

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