We are afraid to say that we can’t read Spanish. So, we have used Google Translate for now. Let us know if misunderstood anything here.
We understand that you’re seeing the SEO data optimization error that shows 403 forbidden in the browser console. We received a similar report from other users where the issue was caused by their web host’s security measures.
Please contact your web host to check the ‘mod_security’ settings that prevent our plugin from accessing the REST API. If there are no mod_security
settings preventing access at the server, you may have a custom .htaccess
rule or security plugin that limits access to the WordPress REST API. Please review any security restrictions and whitelist the Yoast plugin for accessing the feature.
If you have a Web Application Firewall (WAF)s, like Comodo, please verify that it is not set up to strip the parameter from the Yoast REST API requests. Some users have reported that some WAFs setups are too strict in the prevention of Blind SQL injection attacks. Your web host or server admin can help you if you’re not familiar with WAF settings on your site.
Are there any settings in your server/firewall that would explain this behavior? If you don’t know how to check this, please reach out to your server administrator. They’ll be able to check this for you.