• Resolved noracandina


    Buenos días,
    Hace a?os creé una página web con vosotros. Todo iba bien hasta que el acceso a la página ha expirado. La página sigue vigente, pero no hay manera de que pueda acceder a ella.

    Me es urgente ya que necesito modificar ciertas cosas de dicha página y no sé cómo acceder.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator James Huff


    WordPress is just free software that you install on a hosting provider, we have no control over the site itself.

    If your hosting plan has expired, you’ll need to contact that hosting provider to renew your plan so you can access your site.

    Thread Starter noracandina


    And how can I contact the hosting provider to renew my plan?

    Moderator James Huff


    We have no way of knowing who your hosting provider was, it was whomever you were paying monthly or yearly to host your site.

    If you don’t know who that was, I recommend checking your credit card statements.

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