• Al cargar el sitio web de Anisa Colombia que administro me salió el error de la base de datos, me pidió que a?adiera el código: define(‘WP_ALLOW_REPAIR’, true); en el archivo de configuración; el sitio ya funcionó pero arrojó que había un problema sin reparar y que me comunicara mediante el foro.

    El reporte del error es el siguiente: h5nvo_options: Number of rows changed from 293 to 290


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator t-p


    The code that was added in the config file, define(‘WP_ALLOW_REPAIR’, true); gives you access to the database repair tool at your website’s link: https://anisacolombia.org/wp-admin/maint/repair.php.

    After the repair was run, WordPress report stated that there was a problem with the h5nvo_options table, and the number of rows changed from 293 to 290.

    This means that 3 of those rows were lost during repair. There are a few steps you can follow:

    1. Manually inspect your h5nvo_options table. Verify the table structure and look for any issues.
    2. Please create a backup of the table if not already done.
    3. Use Your Hosting Control Panel’s Database Repair Tool and look for the “Repair Database” option. It might be WHM (WebHost Manager) or cPanel.
    4. The Database Repair Tool will try to repair any of your corrupted tables, like h5nvo_options.
    5. Check for any error messages and if the site is loading without giving any errors, and check for the missing data again. If you know your missing options, insert them back into the DB.
    6. Finally please make sure to remove the line define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true); when it is not needed.
    7. To avoid any problems like this in the future, you can try to have regular backups of data and use plugins like WP-Optimize to regularly clean and optimize your database.
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