• Resolved sassie



    ?fters kommt eine wei?e Seite, sobald ich einen Artikel anklicke. Oder eine Kategorie. Es betrifft aber nur einen oder zwei Artikel. Nicht alle. Startseite funktioniert immer.

    Wenn ich den Cache leere, ist alles wieder Ok.

    Ich brauche auch nur irgendeinen Artikel, egal welcher, aktualisieren, dann ist das Problem auch weg.

    Das Problem besteht nur, als Gast.
    Bin ich als Admin eingeloggt, ist das Problem nicht.

    “Warm up cache on clear” => wenn ich das aktiviere, ist das Problem nie. Aber leider bekomme ich im Adminbereich einen 500er Fehler wenn ich das Menü aktualisiere :/

    K?nnt ihr mir sagen, woran das liegt?

    Lg sassie
    Seite: FCL-Magazin

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by sassie.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Optimocha


    Hi @sassie,

    I apologize to respond in English, unfortunately I don’t speak German.

    Is there any chance you can download version 4.5.2 here, and see if the issues persist: https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/speed-booster-pack.4.5.2.zip

    (Version 4.5.2 isn’t released yet, but we will probably release it today.)

    Plugin Author Optimocha


    @sassie we released v4.5.2 yesterday, hope you update and it fixes the issue! ??

    Thread Starter sassie


    So, jetzt mit einem übersetzer :))


    I am now writing with google translator ??

    I updated the plugin, unfortunately the problem still persists ??

    My tests:

    I disabled all plugins, problem still exists.

    I disable the cache, then there is no more error, everything is fine ??

    If I activate the cache again, at some point, a white page comes up again. For any article or category.

    The problem only occurs with guests, not with the admin.

    The problem only lasts a few minutes. Sometimes 10 minutes, or just 15 minutes.

    If I update any article, no matter which article, the problem is solved.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter sassie



    Ich melde mich nachher ??

    Lg sassie

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    @optimocha I’ve deleted your offer to login to your user’s site. I’m am 100% sure you mean well but please never ask for credentials on these forums.


    Now for the why: The internet is a wonderful place full of very nice people and a few very bad ones. I’m sure everyone here is very nice however, by giving some ones keys to your house you are trusting they wont steal anything. Likewise the person who takes the keys is now responsible for the house FOREVER.

    If something was to go wrong, then you the author may well legally become liable for damages, which they would not normally have been as their software is provided without warranty.

    Please be aware that repeatedly asking for credentials will result in us escalating this to the plugins team.

    It’s never necessary to do that. Here’s why.

    There are many ways to get information you need and accessing the user’s site is not one of them. That’s going too far.

    You get the idea.

    Volunteer support is not easy. But these forums need to a safe place for all users, experienced or new. Accessing their system that way is a short cut that will get you into real trouble in these forums.

    You’ve been placed on “modwatch” until we’re convinced such postings have stopped. Your account has *not* been banned, we just want to check things for a while before they’re public. If you wish to take issue with this, contact moderators via the #forums channel on slack (https://make.www.ads-software.com/slack).? Please do not DM me or other moderators; use the channel.

    Thread Starter sassie



    ich m?chte mich nochmal bedanken. Der Support war sehr gut, mein Problem wurde schnell gel?st ??

    Vielen Dank
    Lg sassie

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