Problems accessing some tags/functions in parsed page
I’m creating a “theme” (actually, that’s too grand a term for it) based on my Google Profile page. I’m parsing in my profile page, elements of which I will replace with actual WordPress content.But it’s sensible to base things on the WordPress theme file structure. I’ve got an index.php file that, as standard, calls in a header.php…
Header.php calls my Google Profile in to $googleprofile. I perform a number of operations on $googleprofile before spitting back out only the portion of the page that should go in to header.php (ie. from
> down to some<div>
)…THE PROBLEM: I want to rewrite the title tag in $googleprofile from the original page title to what’s appropriate for the current WordPress page… (in the out-of-the-box header.php, that’s
<title><?php wp_title('«', true, 'right'); ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title>
)…eg. (partially)
$googleprofile->find('title', 0)->innertext = bloginfo('name');
But…- bloginfo(‘name)’ doesn’t produce anything inside that statement (I have to use
) - and
wp_title('«', true, 'right');
doesn’t work either
Something here’s telling me that I’m outside some loop. Please help me figure this out.
- bloginfo(‘name)’ doesn’t produce anything inside that statement (I have to use
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