• Hi,

    After installing the latest update I’m getting configuration errors.
    I changed nothing.
    After clicking on the form name the error messages are visible in the E-mail tab:
    From: [your-name] <[your-email]> -> message in red: This email address does not belong to the same domain as the site.
    Subject: [your-subject] -> message in red: This field can be empty depending on user input.

    Strange and not correct error messages imho



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  • Thread Starter ws24


    Additional info:

    If, in tab E-mail, I enter only [your-name] in the From field:
    From: [your-name] -> message in red: This field has syntax errors

    By the way the forms do still work when sending them.

    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    To solve the syntax problems you have to:

    1- Go to your form or create a new one and add the tags that you have there (text, email, text area, etc). It should be something like this:

    [text* Name placeholder “Your name”]

    [email* Youremail placeholder “Your Email”]

    [text* Subject placeholder “Subject”]

    [textarea* Your-message placeholder “Your message”]

    [submit “Send”]

    2- Go to the tab “Mail” and fill the input fields as follow:

    – To: the email where you want to received the messages.

    – From: the email of your website, be sure it has the same domain, like: [email protected]. Don’t worry about this, you will received the emails of the people who write you, this is just to avoid messages going to the spam folder.

    – Subject: Your subject tag, if you take a look to the point 1, in this case will be [Subject]

    – Message body: this is a matter of using the same tags you created in the point 1. So what you should have here is something like:

    From: [Name] <[Youremail]>
    Subject: [Subject]

    Message Body:

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