Good morning @bizanimesh, we saw today the new WPJM Salary Update, but there is something that doesn′t work well when showing salary…
New it gives the option to change the currency, but the currency goes after the salary, so if a company for example writes:
EX: 1.900 to 2.100 brut or net (then right after comes the: € (EUR), so shows like this:
“1.900 – 2.100 brut/month € (EUR)”
Is there any option that the currency is included before the salary ammount?
EX: EUR €1.200 to 1.400 net annually / montly
I think the currency $ shows before the ammount in USA, so it′s like weird to show it after too.
Many companies write conditions at salary field, depending on their job offer and after writting their conditions, comes the: € (EUR) or the $ (USD) and we think it should come before the salary ammount, so companies can write their conditions right after it.
Is there any solution for this?
Thanks in advance for any help, as we cannot update the plugin, we tested in some staging sites and the salaries showed really bad with this currency at the end. Hopefully there is a solution.