• Resolved AKOGTS


    WordPress/Woocommerce updated on its own, and this morning I’m finding 2 issues that I’m not too happy about.

    1.) I sell t-shirts online. All of the shirts are variable products, where the customer can pick the Gender/Size/Color. All variations are the same price ($18). Prior to the update, it would show the price and then you would choose from 3 drop downs your gender/size/color. The price would always remain showing.

    Now, when you click on the variations (gender/size/color), the price disappears off of the page, and as normal the “add to cart” button displays once the 3 variations are chosen. I would like the price to always show on the product page.

    Any idea why this changed and how to fix it?

    2.) Some of the products have had their description disappear. For example, we post a funny line about the shirts design, and that statement in the description (which is the whole description), is empty on some shirts.

    Luckily since we haven’t gone live yet, there’s only about 10 shirts loaded, but still… having 3 of the 10 lose the description for no reason is annoying, and frightening that this will happen when there are a hundred shirts loaded!

    Any help is appreciated!


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  • Hallo,

    After updating woo commerce this morning I lost all the information of “description and additional Information” of all my products!. Can you please help me here? I have tried to make a new product and check if it works but it doesn’t display neither !….



    I did mine using the manual method as only had 5 of them but I did see the number of drop-down boxes you had (3) on those wet suits, so could see all that data that would be needed.

    I think there wasn’t a clear cut error or fix pushed out by the developers as mike reported seeing no issues following the update. I’m thinking that woo commerce 4.2.3 update set or enforced the required field Regular price on each variable item.

    It wasn’t until mike showed me where that variable price box was that I understood what had gone wrong and I was able to make it show the product information (web page) correctly. Using the manual method go into your variable product data and remove the price, you should find that produced web page will show an error.

    I wouldn’t think using the bulk upload option was wrong or caused the problem in your case it was needed. Well it might of caused problems, as having to price each and every variation of a product due to the required price field. It might have just missed some and not having the price causes the product web page to show errors.

    I mean does a XL large wetsuit cost more to produce than a small one?
    In relation to someone selling T-shirts they could charge £5 for a small and £15 for a large in the same colour and style. It seems strange to me to price items upon it variance. In my store, I had the type of power lead needed, I could charged (say £2) for each type of power lead required. The required variations price field has given us the store owners that flexibility.

    The main thing to remember when using word-press and woo commerce, it’s just a large Content Management System which produces a web page.
    Imagine a mixing bowl into which all the code, product data and functional requirements goes into and then being placed in oven to produce a cake (web page). Sometimes if you keep making small changes to values in the form or have needed updates added it can upset the mix.

    I found when I turned off the woo commerce plug-in and then back on it solved a issue I was having with layout of my products within the product display area of woo commerce.

    Thread Starter AKOGTS


    @mike and @chrishills

    I’m well aware that each variation needs a price. I’ve made the mistake before (while first starting to load products), forgetting to add a price (when I was just playing around with 2 or 3 variations). Those kind of mistakes is how I learned all of this. Trial and error!

    We sell all of the same shirt at the same price. Doesn’t matter what color or what size. I wonder if I’m using the variations wrong them? I’m so new to this that the only way I know how to add a t-shirt with multiple gender/size/color is to do a variation for each option. I simply load each attribute with the desired test (small, med, large for example), then link all variations (which creates 50 – 90 of them). Then I use the bulk “set price” feature to set the price for all of them to be $18.

    Is there a better/correct way to do this, or am I doing it correctly?

    I also “sort of” fixed my problem last night and this morning. I assumed that maybe hidden in the latest update this issue got fixed. But anyway decided to activate my plug ins one by one, throughout the day, and constantly check my store to see if everything was working. I started having issues again shortly after activating the “Pay Your Price” plugin that I have installed. Disabled it, and everything works. Spent this morning also enabling it and disabling it, and getting the same results.

    So it seems that was causing my problem. BUT!!!!

    It doesn’t cause the problem for EVERY product. Just most of them. And to make matters worse sometimes I disable the plugin, things work again, and then when I activate the plugin, an item that didn’t work last time I activated the plugin does work this time, but everything else I try doesn’t work.

    I have a strong “need” to find out why this is happening like this, as I see computers as mechanical machines that should act the same all of the time given the same instructions (activating a plugin that breaks thinks should always break things), but at the same time I need to invest time into loading more shirts into our store.

    So I think I’m going to disable that plugin, monitor to make sure everything is working, and then just mark this resolved (blaming that plugin).

    Thanks for all of the input folks.

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley



    Happy to hear you found “Pay Your Price” was causing it. Now the author can fix their code.

    Regarding your comment on it working on some and not others, there are 2 cases for variable products:

    1. Variable products with > 20 variations
    2. Variable products with 20 or less variations

    > 20 uses AJAX to avoid loading 20 products into memory. Fort performance. This has slightly different behaviour to smaller variable products.

    Thread Starter AKOGTS


    Resolved. It was a plugin that affected everything. With that plugin disabled, everything works how it should. Thank you!

    We use X Theme and the same thing happened to our shop. Variations were gone completely. No front end drop-down price options and nothing in the backend. All plugins and theme are up to date.
    After a few hours of mucking about with it, we discovered that pipes “|” have been removed from “variations”, thus breaking our pricing for every item. Luckily it didn’t make everything “free” like some poor folks.
    Anyway, now with “variations” we have to click the “Add New” button- that pops up a window- put your info in that and BAM- done. Using pipes “|” doesn’t seem to be an option for us anymore.
    It would’ve been nice to know about the potential for every item breaking before doing the update. Lucky for us we only have a few products. I feel bad for the poor guys that have over 50 product that now have to go an manually fix each price. That really sucks for them.
    Maybe this has helped some people, maybe not. But that was our discovery with using Woocommerce 2.4.4 with X Theme.
    But hey, if someone knows a better way to fix this please let me know. I’m open to suggestions.

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    JodiSox I am not aware of any code that would remove pipes. There is a constant however which controls the character used – could it have be set or removed?


    What was the plugin that was causing the problem please?

    Thread Starter AKOGTS


    The plugin is “Pay Your Price”. The developer of that plugin fixed it on my plugin, and will roll out the fix in their next update.

    I see this same or very similar problem symptom updating an old site, it seems to be purely a woocommerce update problem. All product variations are lacking a ‘regular_price’ after the update (sale prices do carry across).

    I have screenshots of before and after (apparently can’t include images here?), but the process was:

    – On the old site, I look at a product which has 2 variants, and verify they both have a price set.

    – Copied live site to dev server.

    – Deactivate all plugins except woocommerce and akismet (can’t deactivate, it gives a php error).

    – Change to twentyelven theme.

    – Upgrade wordpress from 3.3.2 to 4.3.1, and run database updates.

    – Deactivate akismet.

    – Upgrade woocommerce from to 2.4.10, and ‘Run the updater’ (woocommerce updates).

    And now in the new site, that same product has nothing in ‘Regular Price’ field.

    I did print_r($prices) in the is_on_sale() function at one point, and I can see the $prices array has $prices[‘price’] set for all variants, and a few have a $prices[‘sale_price’] set, but absolutely none of them have $prices[‘regular_price’] set, like:
    [05-Dec-2015 21:43:12] Array
    [price] => Array
    [1700] => 40
    [1701] => 80

    [regular_price] => Array
    [1701] =>
    [1700] =>

    [sale_price] => Array
    [1701] =>
    [1700] =>


    In this case I’ll just manually go through and fix the prices, but I don’t see how this could be anything but a bug?

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