Problems after upgrade to 2.6.5 from 2.6.3
After the upgrade the tabs on the tabs on the visual editor do not work.
I have tried the default theme and deactivating all plugins to no avail.
i am seeing this in error on the status bar
Line 85
Char 9
Error ‘tinymce is undefined’I have searched the forum but cannot see solution.
Any help would be welcome
So far, the oldest thread entry on this subject that I have seen is from eight months ago.
I find your little rant rather quaint, given where you live. The rest of the world doesn’t run on U.S. time. Get used to it.
there have ALWAYS been issues with the visual editor — even I have had one. What that has to do with a thread where someone says it worked before and now it dooesnt — is nill.
Im suggesting you use a little .. just a little common sense, and do the most obvious thing.
I have actually already done what you suggested which seems to have resolved the issues I was having.
I think you need to remember that a lot of us rely on the expertese and dedication of the WordPress team it is inevitable that people will get frustrated when things go wrong.
Though to be fair your post seems be the only one that has decided to include language and comments that a lot of people will find offensive.
Perhaps you also should realise that younger people use this forum ,my daughter who is 13 being one.
I think you need to remember that a lot of us rely on the expertese and dedication of the WordPress team it is inevitable that people will get frustrated when things go wrong.
here’s a revelation — that team you speak of is largely composed of people that arent on any team. There is ONE wordpress developer that answers threads here on a semi-regular basis.. One.
Secondly, if suggesting that you roll back the unnecessary files falls under the heading of “expertise” youre worse off than I had imagined.
And to prove my point — yeah.. youre welcome.
As for your daughter, cover her eyes when she browses threads with my name in ’em. After all, if youre so incredibly worried about MY language, Im sure youre right there when shes on the web.
You really are sad.
I will say no more (theres hint a for you)
No, Im really irritated at the level of incompetence that I see on here. And it worsens every day. People dont read the docs, they dont search.. they cant or wont or dont follow directions.. they want help with CSS but dont provide a link. They cant ‘think’.
On and on …
two words:
and I do realize that it would be nice to have all the 2.6.5 files. Of course, thats going to be the optimal solution. That said — sometimes its easier to throw the towel into the ring, if only temporarily.
Thanks a bunch for your clear and concise response to a problem that has been encountered by many.
I don’t have much sympathy for a volunteer who disparages his audience. If you don’t like it where you are, why not go someplace else?
Given the popularity of the product, by now you should have become accustomed to the complete incompetence of the end user. That is nothing new in the software field. It’s been going on since at least the ’80s, in my experience. Whether the user is new or experienced doesn’t appear to have an effect on the ability of the software to mess up – at least from what I can see in other threads on this same subject.
Furthermore, the variety of cures that I have seen for the editor problem – including yours – don’t appear to have a consistent result. Obviously, since I have not previously had this editor problem in my other implementations of the software, I was unaware of how widespread it was, until now.
Had you actually taken the time to read some of the posts in this thread, you would have seen that some of us are having the problem with the 2.6.3 implementation as well, even with a fresh install.
WordPress has gained huge ground over the past couple of years. Such rapid growth obviously comes with its own problems, not the least of which has to do with personnel who understand their market audience. And yes, WordPress has a market, believe it or not. Start treating it badly, and it too will go somewhere else.
Guys.. if you know he’s just one of the few arrogant Americans.. then let him be. Maybe he is just pissed with the fact that he still needs to work his S off while other people can enjoy their holiday. And he’s right.. I will just skip reading his posts from now on. ??
As a result of this silliness, I have actually removed WordPress from my site and have left the html up. It looks better in html, and it’s very easy for me to edit.
Thanks, but no thanks, WordPress.
I don’t have much sympathy for a volunteer who disparages his audience. If you don’t like it where you are, why not go someplace else?
Because I actually enjoy seeing people succeed, when they try, and some do try. If it werent for that, Im sure I would have already stopped trying myself, as would others.
Whether the user is new or experienced doesn’t appear to have an effect on the ability of the software to mess up – at least from what I can see in other threads on this same subject.
Of course not. But that doesn’t mean that people need to, or ought to stop thinking. There are hundreds, if not thousands of threads on here where people have rolled back full versions after encountering ‘game-breaker’ issues.
Had you actually taken the time to read some of the posts in this thread, you would have seen that some of us are having the problem with the 2.6.3 implementation as well, even with a fresh install. In this case, it can be done without even compromising security.
I read the thread — as I stated previously, I had a similar issue at one time. It’s not a new problem, I’ll concede that.
Its frustrating when things dont work — for everyone. It’s more frustrating when something doesnt work and you cant find a solution. I understand that.
WordPress has gained huge ground over the past couple of years. Such rapid growth obviously comes with its own problems, not the least of which has to do with personnel </stop>
Personnel? im not paid, nor is anyone else around here.
Guys.. if you know he’s just one of the few arrogant Americans..
Im a she.
..pissed with the fact that he still needs to work his S off while other people can enjoy their holiday.
Yeah, here I am, sitting at home, with a 50″ tv in front of me working. Woe is me. Not. lol.
My rant wasnt pointed at anyone in this thread, so I DO apologize for placing it within this thread..
I will not apologize for saying the obvious though. wordpress is undeniably the windows of blogging apps.
I have the same problem.please help me.
If you need any support in software and web development.pls visit now for a history lesson. (You knew it was coming, right?)
The “it’s a fucking holiday in the U.S. of A.” that whooami makes reference to is called Thanksgiving. It’s celebrated in the U.S. as a time when invading religious zealots thanked the native North American population for letting them come ashore. They helped prevent the zealots from starving to death, and were thus rewarded with pestilence, slaughter, mass displacement and ownership.
Outside of North America, I can’t think of one other country or nation that celebrates Thanksgiving. Certainly not Mexico or Central America, where visitors from Europe (for you geography-challenged Americans, that’s a continent, not a country) brought disease, more pestilence, religion-induced slaughter, and conquest to a civilization that was more than a little advanced. Obviously, Europeans (people living on a continent, not a country) don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.
South America (another continent, consisting of many countries) doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving. Nor does Asia, Australia, Africa, the Middle East and on and on and on. So basically, we have a country of 330 million people, far outnumbered by the remainder of the known world, completely in ignorance of the other six billion scattered here and there on the globe.
Oh well, it was ever thus.
I must be very lucky!! I upgraded also today from 2.6.3 to 2.6.5 and everything works as it should work.
twolanz’s solution worked for me:
I tried this, but all the files are there:
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