• Hello.
    I have followed the instructions in the article: https://www.s2member.com/kb/login-box-like-s2member-com/

    I have created directory /wp-content/mu-plugins and created the s2-login-box.php with the code snippet from the article.
    However, I guess I do not know how to call this function from the “Log In” top bar nav menu. My theme supports a top bar nav menu builder and I am able to set up a call/link to the wp-login.php, but not the pop-up “s2-login-box.php”. Please advise on what am I missing. I am learning alot, but not fast enough!
    Thank you!


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  • You need s2M Pro for that, have you upgrade it?

    Thread Starter Schaefs


    Yes, I have s2M Pro and have access to the widget. Just don’t know how to link the pop-up form to my menu item “Log In”

    Try the method I describe at this article, please.

    Thread Starter Schaefs


    Thank you krumch! I appreciate your help.
    I am able to add a menu link “Log In” through my theme, but I don’t know how to get the pop-up s2 login box to display after I click on the “Log In” menu item.
    In your article you say… “As URL you can put “#” sign. Again, no matter what you put, it will be replaced later by code. But must be recognized as URL.”
    What is the code that goes in the URL to get the pop-up box? Or do I need to do other coding within the theme/Header.php?
    Thank you!

    Sorry, didn’t understand you… Yes, URL is not shown, because this pop-up opens if the user is not logged in, automatically. You must create an URL for that, may be an AJAX call to a pop-up window or div. Your PHP code will show the widget and AJAX will put it in the pop-up.

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