• Good morning, I have problems with the subscribers of the newsletter, not all receive a confirmation email to me and does not return any messages that confirm the fact that the mail was not sent! I’m using a gmail account. hoping you can solve my problem, thanks.
    I apologize if there were any write errors, speak little English

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  • I have exactly the same problems… and I also don’t speak fluent english ??

    my website is https://www.eldorado-immobilier.com
    I use wordpress and mailpoet
    OVH for hosting and sendgrid for sending
    i send 60 mails/hour only

    I tested my email with mail-tester.com : 8.5/10
    Here is what it says for the -1.5

    Votre serveur est enregistré sur 2 listes noires (blacklist)
    Compare l’adresse IP de votre serveur ( avec 21 des ipv4 listes noires les plus communes.
    Non listé sur BACKSCATTERER
    Non listé sur BARRACUDA
    Non listé sur CASA-CBLPLUS
    Non listé sur IMP-SPAM
    Non listé sur INPS_DE
    Non listé sur LASHBACK
    Non listé sur MAILSPIKE-BL
    Non listé sur NIXSPAM
    Non listé sur PSBL
    Non listé sur RATS-ALL
    Non listé sur REDHAWK
    Non listé sur SEM-BACKSCATTER
    Non listé sur SEM-BLACK
    Non listé sur SORBS-DUHL
    Listé sur SORBS-SPAM
    Listé sur SPAMCANNIBAL
    Non listé sur SPAMCOP
    Non listé sur SPAMHAUS-ZEN
    Non listé sur SWINOG
    Non listé sur TRUNCATE
    Non listé sur WPBL

    What can I do ?

    @cakesandchicken you shouldn’t send your newsletters with a Gmail account: https://docs.mailpoet.com/article/61-sending-with-gmail-doesnt-work

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