• I recently got wordpress 2.2.1 installed but I’m having problems seeing anything beyond just raw text and links. I tried loading a different template and wordpress saw it and accepted it, but all it did was move the text over to the middle. An example of what’s happening can be seen at mdcmagicvalley.com/wp If there are any suggestions as to what I did wrong I would love to know. Thanks in advance.

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  • When I go to mdcmagicvalley.com/wp I see the default installation with the test post (no graphics expected there). What should be there?

    Thread Starter sean1239


    I’m sorry, maybe I wasn’t specific enough. When I pull it up on my computer I just see a line of text, no hint of the style sheet that goes with the normal wordpress install I have locally (Archives, Categories, etc on one side, the welcome post in the middle, etc) The same goes with the admin page and any template I install. I installed a green bug template and all it did was move everything over to the center of a screen. I can take a screen shot if that would help any?

    My hostees have that problem too I dunno if you are hosted or not or if you own your own domain or not but the way I solve that problem is by adding the website address to my hotlinking protection thing in my cpanel. Not really the wordpress address just the website address itself like (www.domain.com/website)

    Kayness87 has an excellent suggestion, Sean1239. If that doesn’t fix it, though, would you please include a link to a screenshot? The site looked fine to me when I visited, so it sounds like you might be having an issue with your browser or computer.

    What browser are you using? What version (you can get that from the Help > About menu item)? Does this site, the WP forums, look OK to you?

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