• Resolved BigGeek99


    OK, here is the deal, my word press site was fine. I have not upgraded to 3.0.5 yet. I’m using the EvoLve Theme, I added an image to the header, it was to large, I could not remove it, so I reset the header settings with the reset button in the theme. It messed the site appearance up. So I after trying to fix it, I deleted the files and uploaded my back up copy with filezilla. DIDN’T change, it appeared the way it had after I had reset the header, AND AFTER THE BACK UP COPY. AND The upload of the back up deleted all my PHP Code; widgets from the side bar. So I changed the theme to a different theme, previewing it first. It did not display the way it did in the preview, so after trying to change it back, I deleted the site again, and reopened filezilla that I had closed out after my upload, uploaded the backup copy of the site files again, thinking I could just return to the EvoLve Theme from the Twenty Ten theme that I had changed to (again well after the back up was made), and my upload displays in the Twenty Ten theme, not even the EvoLve theme that I had set when I backed up the site to my hard drive.!

    WHAT IS GOING ON? How can my back up have the files in it, that were changed after the back up was completed, and filezilla was closed, and the back up is on my hard drive, I don’t under stand what is going on, and yes I cleared cookies in my browser.

    I know it is a lot, but my site now looks like crap, and I don’t know how to fix it, and some how the back up doesn’t return it to the status it was in before I changed it?

    Any takers?

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  • Thread Starter BigGeek99


    Oh Forgot to add, my URL https://www.savingdave.com

    Samuel B


    none of that stuff can be saved in the files – it’s all stored in the database

    Thread Starter BigGeek99


    I do not understand your reply, can you please be a little more specific?

    The header options and the widgets are saved in the database – not in the theme files.

    Thread Starter BigGeek99


    Oh MY GOD, so all this time that I was backing up my site files with filezilla, and I wasn’t backing anything up at all, I was just backing up the files.

    Can I restore my site by using an old “Admin Console Backup” from a month ago, and then add my most recent file back ups from my hard drive?

    Or am I screwed here?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Read this: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/WordPress_Backups

    Can I restore my site by using an old “Admin Console Backup” from a month ago, and then add my most recent file back ups from my hard drive?

    I have no idea. It depends on what’s in that backup.

    Ask your webhost if they have a Database backup.

    Thread Starter BigGeek99


    I backed up the site with my through my site admin as is. Restored it from the old back up from a month ago. All my content was gone!

    I uploaded the files and folders from my hard drive, and no go, none of the changes show up all the content is gone.

    I restored it to the back up from today, so I have all my content back, but the Theme appearance is still screwed up, and I have no idea how to fix this…..I am so discouraged and disgusted with myself, I have screwed this up so badly!!

    Maybe I have no business even trying to do this?

    Thanks for all of yours help, Sorry to have bothered you!

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist


    Take a DEEP BREATH.

    Exhale slowly.

    Repeat a few times until you can calm down some. No, I’m serious. Take 60 seconds to just close your eyes and breath and relax. You need this first.


    The only content you backed up with those files/folders are your post IMAGES. That’s important too! Don’t get me wrong ?? But let’s look at it all carefully and not panic about it all being gone.

    Your posts content are store in the database. Did you do ANYTHING to that database, or is it all still safe up on your server? If you don’t know how to find out, go contact your webhost and ask for their directions on how to LOOK at your database. In there, you’ll be able to see if your data is okay.

    Your post DESIGN is stored in your files and folders that you backed up.

    https://www.savingdave.com/ LOOKS like it’s up and running with your post content, so if anything, all you MAY have lost is your site DESIGN. Which sucks, but that’s not as bad as your post content, in the long run.

    Thread Starter BigGeek99



    Thanks, I really appreciate the kind words, I’m was almost in tears over this! I needed to get the old Calm Down, take a DEEEEEP Breath advice!! Thanks!

    OK, the site is still up and running you are correct there, and all the content is still there. I backed up the site through the “Direct Admin” interface after the Theme had messed up, so I could protect the content, that was today, Feb. 17.

    I restored the site with the last Direct Admin Back up from Jan 18, and then up loaded my files with filezilla, to the restored Jan 18th version of the site. All the content was still missing, even though I had uploaded the files from Feb. 16th. So I gave up!

    I restored the site with the Direct admin Back up from today Feb 17th, and I’m back to square one with the site up with all the content, just the Theme looks weird.

    So to answer your question, I believe the database is still intact.

    I have emailed my hosting admin asking him if he has a recent BU of the site.

    I did not ask him how to look at the database, and I don’t know how to do that, but like I said, it appears to all be there, as all my content is back.

    I have managed to fix a lot of the issues with the appearance, and the last problem is the PHP Code: widgets in the sidebar. Ads aren’t centered.

    Thing is the width of the side bar has changed and I don’t know how to fix it!

    All this was brought about by me simply adding a picture to the header, and then removing it!

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Based on this:

    So I after trying to fix it, I deleted the files and uploaded my back up copy with filezilla. DIDN’T change, it appeared the way it had after I had reset the header, and after the backup copy.

    The problem is that your theme stores the header information on the database. So when you reset the settings, it did just that. Reset. Unless you knew exactly what you had before, OR you have a good and recent database backup of from before you started playing around, you’re SOL at a quick fix. Sorry ??

    The long fix, as you’re finding now, is manually resetting everything.

    Thread Starter BigGeek99


    OK, any advice on how to manually fix it?

    As far as I can tell at this point, the only thing that appears different is that the side bar widgets are thinner than before, and the code doesn’t center in them, and 300 pixel ads display out of the box.

    The thing that is weird is that the I’m not sure how changing the header affected the side bar, AND, I changed nothing on in the header besides adding a picture, and removing it. I hesitated on resetting it, but when I looked things over, it was a standard header with no modifications to it, no ads, nothing, I figured all I would have to do is add back in my social networking info after reset and I’d be good to go.

    So why resetting it, messed things up, and affected the side bar I’ll never know.

    I have messaged the site for my theme to see if they can help?

    Thanks so much for taking the time to respond Ipstenu I appreciate your time, and looking at my site!!

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    All my advice from here out is theoretical. I am neither familiar with your theme nor am I a theme guru ??

    If your settings are in the Database, then the Database is what you need to get restored.

    Resetting, quite literally, wiped out the DB settings, which is why it messed it up. It wiped out ALL the settings for the theme, I’d wager. (And sidebar: This is why I don’t think themes should off too many config options like that – this is a pain on MultiSite when your users screw up their sites, and is why I make nightly backups. Doesn’t help the guy who made his changes at noon and wiped them out at 4pm though :/ Yes, that’s a true story.)

    Thread Starter BigGeek99


    Thanks for the words, I started a new thread in the troubleshooting section. So you can close this one!

    I went to the site for the theme, and was told to past this code:

    .widget_execphp .widget-content {
    margin-left:10px !important;

    into the “Custom CSS” field on the “Styles” tab on the “EvoLve Settings” Page and click “save settings” I did so and there was no change.

    I’ve now been told that it’s my problem and they are not going to code my site for me.

    Great, I add a picture with their theme interface, and cannot remove it, because there is no way to remove it with their GUI, so I’m stuck hitting the reset button. Messes up my site appearance. When I ask for assistance I’m given one fix that doesn’t work, and then get told, figure it out for yourself, it’s not my problem?

    5 weeks ago I got a call and was fired with no notice because IBM rebid a contract for less people. I’m told, my finances are not their problem. I’m having trouble finding a job, and I’m trying to remain positive and work hard at my own site, while defaulting on my mortgages. Then I run into this sort of a problem.

    You know how it is, when your down, your down, and it’s no ones problem but mine….right?

    Sorry, I’m ranting, I’m a little stresses these days!

    Any ideas on where to go to get help fixing this? I realize that most people are going to want me to figure it out for myself or pay them to figure it out for me.

    I guess being unemployed I’m stuck figuring it out for myself!

    Thanks for responding to me, I really really appreciate the kindness, it’s been really rare for me these days.


    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I’ve moved this post to the Theme Section – https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/side-bar-ads?replies=1

    Hopefully it’ll gain more traction. Sadly, I’m NOT great with themes. I spend a lot of time on Chrome and Safari using Inspect Element and changing settings there until I see what I want. And I actually DO pay someone to help me when I get stuck.

    Sorry about your job, man ??

    You know how it is, when your down, your down, and it’s no ones problem but mine….right?

    Been there, yep.

    So…. if you switch themes does the problem go away? ??

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