• I recently created a blog https://www.ultreyatours.com/blog/ for my company website which uses WordPress although the rest of the website was created in html via Dreamweaver. They are both hosted with GoDaddy in the same hosting plan and do not get huge amount of traffic.

    The blog seems to be working fine. But, I notice that sometimes although I have not made any changes for a while, while visiting the blog on Firefox the CSS file is not applied which gives a really ugly layout. I must say at the same moment the same website looks fine on Safari on my desktop but not on the iPhone. It comes usually back to normal after emptying the caches.

    The blog has also gone offline for half hour or so in the past although the website was still on. I don’t know if the errors are linked.

    Do you have suggestions on what could be creating this error? Thank you so much in advance

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  • I’ve seen it occasionally with browsers (for many different types of websites) where they seem to finish loading the page without apply any CSS. The fix (for me) is usually to reload the page.

    Next time it happens, press F12 in Firefox. This will bring up Firefox’s development tools and it should show any errors that are being encountered.

    Is it possible that the CSS is on a different server that timesout from time to time?

    It could be a Firefox bug causing an intermittent failure. You are using the latest Firefox?


    I’ve seen that kind of problems with very long CSS calls like the one here:

    stuff class="post post-218 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-camino-de-santiago category-galician-history category-saint-james tag-legends tag-medieval-santiago"

    You can try to deactive minify plugin / function used: it sometimes breaks css style in that kind of code.

    Give it a try,

    Good luck,

    Thread Starter ultreyatours


    @eread – actually just reloading the page on Firefox doesn’t work but I need to manually delete the cache from the wp-admin panel. The error never happens on Safari which is weird. I am not as familiar with WordPress but I don’t believe the CSS could be on a different server. I am using the latest version of Firefox.

    @digico Paris – I have W3 Total Cache installed that is in charge of minifying but the error used to happen before this plugin was installed. You are right the CSS does look ridiculously long. I’ve installed a plugin “Autoptimize” without minifying the CSS and so far no issue today – let’s hope it stays like that.

    Thank you both and if you have any further suggestions, feel free ??

    Right. I’d taken “caches” to mean “browser caches”.

    I guess with my suggestion of using a browser debugger, if the browser is chocking on a long CSS file, it will probably tell you.

    Firefox have a different web page rendering engine than Safari. It might be poorly performing rendering code on Firefox’s part. Chrome and Safari have a lot more in common – you’ll probably find this doesn’t happen in Chrome either.

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