Problems with FullCalendar styles
Using WPFC 0.8.2 with Events Manager, and a modified child of the Trinity theme from
I’ve got events working, and Full Calendar is installed and showing the events on a page using [fullcalendar]. The page can be seen at However, I’m really struggling to get any formatting/style changes in the calendar. If I got to Settings – WPFull Calendar and change the jQuery CSS Theme, it makes no difference to the calendar whatsoever, except to the colour of the left and right arrows that change the month! I presume my WP theme is overriding everything else. I could live with most elements of how the calendar is displayed if necessary, except for the font in which events are displayed (has a terrible drop shadow on the font).
I’ve also tried modifying the calendar theme using Themeroller, but the instructions for doing so aren’t consistent with what I’m seeing on my site. The instructions on the settings page say:
“If you roll your own theme, upload the CSS file and images folder to wp-content/yourtheme/plugins/wp-fullcalendar/ and refresh this page…” However, if I FTP to my site there is no plugins folder in my theme directory (either ‘Trinity’ or ‘Trinity Child’). Instead, I can see a ‘plugins’ directory directly under ‘wp-content’, which includes ‘wp-fullcalendar’. Within that, there is an ‘includes’ directory, and in that there is ‘css’, ‘images’, ‘js’ and ‘langs’. In ‘css’ there is ‘ui-themes’.So, when I get a download from themeroller (and I’m not even very sure which options to select there!) I get a zip file with a whole bunch of folders in it (including at least two with css and image stuff). Exactly what should I put where???
Thanks for your help!
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