• Resolved eurasien


    Dear Support Team,?
    ?after updating the plugin “Gutenberg Blocks and Template Library by Neve theme”? to Version 2.0.1 many of the used Neve blocks by Otter are broken – especially (but not only) by presentation in mobile mode. For example block items are displaced, pictures are cutted, margins are incorrect or not equal. Before the update it all worked perfectly and I was very happy using Neve theme togehter with the Gutenberg blocks plugin.?

    My website (at maintenance mode now) is based on:?
    – WordPress 5.9.2?
    – Theme Neve Version: 3.1.6 (last update 17th march 2022)?
    – Gutenberg Blocks and Template Library by Neve theme Version 2.0.1 (last update 17th march 2022)?

    I tried the following, but nothing solved my problem yet:?
    – empty all browser caches?
    – deleting all the Otter generated CSS files?
    – de-activating Gutenberg Blocks and activating the plugin again?
    – rolling back both updates (Neve and Gutenberg)?
    – installing a cache plugin (WP Super Cache) and empty caches
    – try to rebuild part of my website with former used Otter blocks (using the last updates of Neve and Gutenberg and also using the roll backs)?

    Please help me finding a solution.

    Susanne from Berlin

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  • Hi @eurasien,

    Thanks for choosing Neve!

    The issue may occur due to a plugin conflict, so please install the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin, enable the troubleshooting mode which will deactivate all plugins, reactivate Otter and check if the issue persists. If the problem doesn’t occur anymore, it means it was indeed caused by a plugin conflict and you should reactivate the plugins one by one, until you find the culprit. Then, replace that plugin with an alternative one. Also, make sure to clear the cache (browser and plugin, if you use any caching plugin) after doing that.

    I hope this helps!

    Have a nice day!

    Thread Starter eurasien


    Thank you for your advice! In the meanwhile I deleted the broken blocks and created new blocks and pages. A lot of work but it was the only solution. The only thing, that appears wrong now is a line/margin between header and rest of the page.

    @eurasien Please provide us the URL to your site so we can check that extra space.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter eurasien


    Hello Lucia, alright. I just disabled the maintenance mode for you to check out: freitreten.de – The line/margin starts directly under the header menue.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by eurasien.

    @eurasien Great, thank you for disabling the maintenance mode! Please add the code below in the Additional CSS section within the Customizer. It should remove that extra space.

    #wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-columns-faf6acdf {
        margin-top: 0px !important;

    Let me know how this goes!

    Have a nice day!

    Thread Starter eurasien


    Thanky you ?? That worked well for the home page. But unfortunatly not for other pages. Any idea, why?

    @eurasien The selector that targets that part of the page is different for each page, that’s why nothing happens on other pages. I checked only the homepage and provided you the code targeting that, sorry about that! I see now that some extra space appears on the “über uns” page as well and the code below should fix it.

    #wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-columns-c982ce4a {
        margin-top: 0px !important;

    I didn’t see that space on any other pages, let me know if I missed something.

    Thread Starter eurasien


    Thank you again, Lucia. You cannot see the margin on pages with a white background under the header menue, but it is there – f.e. see “Kontakt” (footer). But I think I will find out, what additional CSS to use for the other pages. So you can close this thread as “solved”. THANKS for you help ??

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by eurasien.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by eurasien.

    I’m glad I could help! ??

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