Problems with iCal feeds from iCloud
I have several feeds from an iCloud account, containing ~10 calendars, that I pull into site using AI1EC. These work OK generally.
Occasionally, I need to refresh the feed manually to get an iCal event up there immediately. When I refresh the feed, it may refresh. Quite often however, I get two other scenarios:
a) When refreshing, I get the alert as follows:
A system error has prevented calendar data from being fetched. Something is preventing the plugin from functioning correctly. This message should provide a clue: transfer closed with 64194 bytes remaining to readb) The refresh process seems to hang for a while then i get an error such as:
All-in-One Event Calendar has been disabled due to an error: Argument 1 passed to Ai1ec_Ics_Import_Export_Engine::_is_timeless() must be an array, null given, called in /home/sites/ on line 258 and defined Error Details: #0 /home/sites/ Ai1ec_Exception_Handler->handle_error(4096, 'Argument 1 pass...', '/home/sites/rat...', 103, Array) #1 /home/sites/ Ai1ec_Ics_Import_Export_Engine->_is_timeless(NULL) #2 /home/sites/ Ai1ec_Ics_Import_Export_Engine->add_vcalendar_events_to_db(Object(vcalendar), Array) #3 /home/sites/ Ai1ec_Ics_Import_Export_Engine->import(Array) #4 /home/sites/ Ai1ec_Import_Export_Controller->import_events('ics', Array) #5 /home/sites/ Ai1ecIcsConnectorPlugin->process_ics_feed_update(true, 37) #6 /home/sites/ Ai1ecIcsConnectorPlugin->update_ics_feed('') #7 /home/sites/ Ai1ec_Registry_Object->dispatch('calendar-feed.i...', 'update_ics_feed', Array) #8 [internal function]: Ai1ec_Event_Callback_Abstract->run('') #9 /home/sites/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #10 /home/sites/ do_action('wp_ajax_ai1ec_u...') #11 {main} Request Uri: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
Which in turn disables the plugin completely.
What might be causing a) and b) and what can I do to prevent this happening?
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