Problems with images
I’m not sure my cdn is configured ok.
If I check: Point file URLs to DreamSpeed/DNS Alias for files that have been copied to S3, images won’t show (and I think the bucket is configured ok, I don’t use an alias because I use ssl and it’s on public).
If I uncheck the box, the images will show. But if I check the link from the picture it’s just the one with my website name, not the
On this page is a picture that is supposed to be coming through cdn.Is it configured ok? Or did I do something wrong?
Thanks in advance,
Velet… Blue’s replace URLs?
What are you replacing from and to in your search? Maybe that’s off.
The images should all be updated In all sizes. In fact…×264.jpg
Yup, that’s exactly right. That extra string of characters you have (1414…) is not correct. What was making that?
Yes the Velvet Blues Update URLs plugin
I first tried: to
also tried: to
and I tried: to
All gave the same error.The extra string of character is made by Post Thumbnail Editor plugin. For recropping my images:×264-1414330247.jpg is a recropped version of×264.jpg (You will see the diffrence in both images)Since the cropped versions aren’t (for whatever reason) being stored by the media uploader, my plugin can’t know to upload them. Basically it’s not really using the WP core functions to save the images and there’s no way for me to magically detect what it’s doing :/ I’m gonna have to chalk that up to a plugin conflict. I’ll SEE if I can fix it, but I can’t promise that it will be any time fast.
Looking at your site, the images SEEM to be pointing here:
So … that’s where it’s looking for your media. The search isn’t working because you’re trying to replace the wrong URL.
I use this plugin quit a lot and I haven’t seen a good replacement yet.
Actually the only image pointing to dreamhost is the Hitch one
All rest is using the maxcdn now (When I was using and trying your plugin, the w3 total cache plugin was always turned off)
Anyway thanks for your time and help, if you can fix it in the future, it would be great. But right now I will keep using maxcdn.
Actually the only image pointing to dreamhost is the Hitch one
Well… Okay so stupid question ?? Did you run the bit to move your existing media up? The plugin’s pretty clear that it’s only for media going forward. And it doesn’t change ANY of your old URLs unless you check the box and tell it to upload existing images.
Yes I know that. Right now the only image in my ‘bucket’ on dreamhost, is the hitch image.
I just started seeing the issue after the first iamge, so I haven’t uploaded any more images.
And now I tried uploading a few more, and noticed that images placed in an image, not cropped or anything, shows just fine. It seems that only the images that went trough the Post Thumbnail Editor are causing the problem.
on this page you see the featured image not working (because cropped) and 3 other images in the article showing fine (done nothing with those images, except upload)Yes I know that. Right now the only image in my ‘bucket’ on dreamhost, is the hitch image.
I’m very confused as to why you’re trying to search/replace at this point… Actually I’m not sure where or when you were doing the search replace at all.
Looking at – the broken image IS NOT in the post. It’s (maybe?) the featured image in the theme? It’s outside of the post content. The migrator shouldn’t have touched that, unless it’s stored in the media uploader, though it’s possible the plugin saw it migrated the images it knew about about and change the postmeta.
I wonder if the scripts are trying to run at the same time… My plugin uploads to the normal media location and copies to CDN (so you can go back y’know).
But why I’m really confused starts here:
If I check: Point file URLs to DreamSpeed/DNS Alias for files that have been copied to S3, images won’t show
The way that works is that when you upload an image, it will use that alias for THAT image. It’s not retroactive and has no impact at all on anything except the newly uploaded images. It shouldn’t be possible to break anything since it’s not making any changes on existing content.
The “Migrate Existing Files” section is the ONLY part that goes and mess with existing posts.
For example, – ALL the images from the gallery are still pointing local, because they’re not on the CDN.
But if you look at that’s pulling from the CDN because it was added.
So when you’re saying “I checked that box and every existing image broke” it’s really weird and doesn’t make any logical sense…
I don’t mean the images break. It’s just when I activate your plugin, so the dreamhost CDN. Images won’t show anymore trough the website (if they are cropped with Post Thumbnail Editor) the original images are still working normal.
And like I said in my previous reply, the broken image (CDN link) is the featured image. Right under “Geplaatst op 17 november 2014 door Yves in Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead” is supposed to be the featured image. On the hompage you see it as well, all the images that are coppied to dreamhost and are supposed to be loading from there are not showing.
What you bring up here:
If I check: Point file URLs to DreamSpeed/DNS Alias for files that have been copied to S3, images won’t show
Is something from my original post. I was just mentioning it, because I don’t know too much about it.
I was just pointing that out after I was trying to see what worked and what did not with checking and unchecking chack boxes (right now everything is checked).I hope it makes a bit sense to you because for me it’s all just very confusing.
It’s just when I activate your plugin, so the dreamhost CDN. Images won’t show anymore trough the website (if they are cropped with Post Thumbnail Editor) the original images are still working normal.
I think we’re both confused what the other is saying ?? Can I hate English right now? It’s a terrible language!
It sounds like you’re saying “When I activate the plugin, existing images don’t show anymore on the site.”
I THINK you’re trying to say “When I activate your plugin, and I then upload an image, it goes to to the CDN like it should, but the special thumbnail I’m using doesn’t.”
And that is … weird because I can’t figure out why it would matter. Are those thumbnails only being used as featured images?
Yes, that what you are thinking ?? Only the original images go to CDN, not the special ones.
These special ones are actually used quit a lot.
My homepage are all of these imgaes, also my archives and in every article a featured image.
The only places I don’t use those ‘special’ images are inside posts. These are just the normal images like they are uploaded.But then I’m confused again. For me it matters because all those ‘special’ images won’t show with the plugin active. They all point to a link. But this file is never uploaded to the CDN.
Or are you saying because I use all those featured images and recropped images (special images), I can never get this plugin to work on my site?
Pffff ?? Trying my best English here
Your English is fine! English as a language is horrible.
But then I’m confused again. For me it matters because all those ‘special’ images won’t show with the plugin active. They all point to a link. But this file is never uploaded to the CDN.
And when you turn OFF the plugin, it works? o.O
Yes, with the plugin off all images work just fine pointing to my own site and also works fine with maxcdn together with w3 total cahce pointing to…
It’s only with your plugin pointing to… that the ‘special’ images are not showing on my website.
I have to ask a different way to make sure I’m getting this one because it’s weird.
With the plugin on, do images that have not been uploaded to the CDN show this issue?
With the plugin off, do images that have been uploaded to the CDN work?
Ok, I’m back, It was getting late yesterday.
I’m gonna try my best ??
I start to see and understand why you are confused now.So with your plugin on, if the original image of a post is not uploaded to dreamhost CDN, it works just fine.
BUT IF the original image (with all their sizes) of a post is uploaded to dreamhost CDN, my website will pull these so called ‘special’ images also from dreamhost (but these ‘special’ images are not uploaded to dreamhost CDN) wich result in an image not showing.
If the plugin is off, everything works fine, every image is showing
I really hope it’s clear now ??
I understand now that this does not make sense, these ‘special’ images should not be pulled from dreamhost because they are not uploaded to dreamhost.
But that is the whole issue that is happening and what seems to be the problem.I hope I’m not giving you sleepless nights lol.
Nah, enough crazy stuff went on to knock me out last night ??
I understand now that this does not make sense, these ‘special’ images should not be pulled from dreamhost because they are not uploaded to dreamhost.
I’m going to see if I can sort out why it’s happening, but I’m gonna have to build out a test site with that other plugin. It’s very odd. My GUESS is that it’s not calling the wp media location (which my plugin isn’t overwriting… not exactly at least), but checking where the main image is…
This will be fun!
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