• Resolved ruffstream


    Dear forum members,

    I tried to make an export with Backup & Migration but had problems as it said ” were a few problems’ and a suggestions to put the next piece of information on this forum, could someone please help out? Thank you so much!

    [STEP] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] Zoeken naar PHP CLI uitvoerbaar bestand.
    [WARN] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] PHP CLI is uitgeschakeld in je php.ini bestand, het proces kan instabiel zijn.
    [WARN] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] PHP CLI bestand niet uitvoerbaar wegens onbekende reden.
    [STEP] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] Back-up initialiseren...
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] Backup & Migration versie: 1.2.1
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] Site waarvan een back-up wordt gemaakt https://zoekgeluk.nl/wt/wordpress
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] PHP versie: 7.4.30
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] WP versie: 6.0
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] MySQL versie: 5.5.5
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] MySQL max. lengte: 25165824
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] Web server Apache
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] Maximale uitvoeringstijd (in seconden) 259200
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] Max. rijen per zoekopdracht (deze site): 300
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] Controleren of de back-up folder beschrijfbaar is...
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] Aangepaste foutafhandeling initialiseren
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] Ja, het is beschrijfbaar...
    [STEP] [2022-07-11 09:40:36] Bestanden scannen...
    [STEP] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Vrije ruimte controleren, reserveren...
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Vereist minstens 2407871524 bytes. [2.24 GB]
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Schijf vrije ruimtefunctie is niet uitgeschakeld - met behulp van het...
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Controleren van dit pad/partitie: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Er is 1,072,296.00 MB vrij. [1.02 TB]
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Super! We hebben genoeg ruimte.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Bevestigd, er is meer dan genoeg ruimte, gecontroleerd: 2407871524 bytes
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Scannen klaar - gevonden 38128 bestanden...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Back-up ge?nitialiseerd...
    [STEP] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Archiveringssysteem initialiseren...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Archiefsysteem ge?nitialiseerd...
    [STEP] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Kaart met bestanden voorbereiden...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Bestanden voorbereid.
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Compressieproces starten...
    [STEP] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Slimme geheugen berekening...
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Er is 768 MB geheugen om te gebruiken
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] WordPress geheugenlimiet: 256 MBs
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] De veilige limiet instellen op 115 MB
    [STEP] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Bezig met het maken van database back-up (via V2 engine, vereist minstens V1.1.0 voor terugzetten)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Itererende database...
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:17] Memory usage after initialization: 75.63 MB
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Scan found 122 tables (170144 rows), estimated total size: 408.56 MB.
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Memory usage after getting table names: 75.68 MB
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting table recipes...
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table recipes have been exported.
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Memory usage after loading recipes: 75.77 MB
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Saving recipes...
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Recipes saved.
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 75.72 MB
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Exporting table data...
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_actions (0.17 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_actionscheduler_actions cloned, operation took: 0.05046 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_claims (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_actionscheduler_claims cloned, operation took: 0.00029 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_groups (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_actionscheduler_groups cloned, operation took: 0.00088 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_logs (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_actionscheduler_logs cloned, operation took: 0.02916 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_addonlibrary_addons (1.52 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_addonlibrary_addons cloned, operation took: 0.01561 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_addonlibrary_categories (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_addonlibrary_categories cloned, operation took: 0.00144 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_commentmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00100 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_comments (0.16 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_comments cloned, operation took: 0.03762 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_ctf_feed_caches (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_ctf_feed_caches cloned, operation took: 0.00030 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_ctf_feed_locator (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_ctf_feed_locator cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_ctf_feeds (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_ctf_feeds cloned, operation took: 0.00026 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_duplicator_packages (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_duplicator_packages cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_e_events (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_e_events cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_e_notes (0.19 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_e_notes cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_e_notes_users_relations (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_e_notes_users_relations cloned, operation took: 0.00033 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_e_submissions (0.28 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_e_submissions cloned, operation took: 0.00028 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_e_submissions_actions_log (0.13 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_e_submissions_actions_log cloned, operation took: 0.00042 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_e_submissions_values (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_e_submissions_values cloned, operation took: 0.00027 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_facetwp_index (0.11 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_facetwp_index cloned, operation took: 0.03904 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_linguise_urls (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_linguise_urls cloned, operation took: 0.00358 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_links (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_links cloned, operation took: 0.00034 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_nextend2_image_storage (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_nextend2_image_storage cloned, operation took: 0.00130 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_nextend2_section_storage (0.17 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_nextend2_section_storage cloned, operation took: 0.04076 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_nextend2_smartslider3_generators (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_nextend2_smartslider3_generators cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_nextend2_smartslider3_sliders (0.33 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_nextend2_smartslider3_sliders cloned, operation took: 0.05136 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_nextend2_smartslider3_sliders_xref (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_nextend2_smartslider3_sliders_xref cloned, operation took: 0.00110 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_nextend2_smartslider3_slides (1.63 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_nextend2_smartslider3_slides cloned, operation took: 0.10887 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_options (5.67 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Table: wp_options cloned, operation took: 0.28676 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:31] Getting data of table: wp_postmeta (221.59 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:55] Table: wp_postmeta cloned, operation took: 23.35638 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:41:55] Getting data of table: wp_posts (140.09 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Table: wp_posts cloned, operation took: 12.73281 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Getting data of table: wp_re_lat_lng (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Table: wp_re_lat_lng cloned, operation took: 0.00029 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_css (0.14 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Table: wp_revslider_css cloned, operation took: 0.00835 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_css_bkp (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Table: wp_revslider_css_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00434 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_layer_animations (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Table: wp_revslider_layer_animations cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_layer_animations_bkp (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Table: wp_revslider_layer_animations_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_navigations (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Table: wp_revslider_navigations cloned, operation took: 0.00107 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_navigations_bkp (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Table: wp_revslider_navigations_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00041 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_sliders (0.27 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Table: wp_revslider_sliders cloned, operation took: 0.07254 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_sliders_bkp (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Table: wp_revslider_sliders_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00031 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_slides (1.53 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_revslider_slides cloned, operation took: 0.47582 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_slides_bkp (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_revslider_slides_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00042 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_static_slides (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_revslider_static_slides cloned, operation took: 0.00264 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_static_slides_bkp (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_revslider_static_slides_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00032 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_sbi_feed_caches (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_sbi_feed_caches cloned, operation took: 0.00032 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_sbi_feeds (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_sbi_feeds cloned, operation took: 0.00027 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_sbi_instagram_feed_locator (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_sbi_instagram_feed_locator cloned, operation took: 0.00027 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_sbi_instagram_feeds_posts (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_sbi_instagram_feeds_posts cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_sbi_instagram_posts (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_sbi_instagram_posts cloned, operation took: 0.00027 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_sbi_sources (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_sbi_sources cloned, operation took: 0.00026 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_term_relationships (0.14 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.03251 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_term_taxonomy (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.01542 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_termmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00999 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_terms (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_terms cloned, operation took: 0.01466 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_trp_dictionary_nl_nl_en_gb (2.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_trp_dictionary_nl_nl_en_gb cloned, operation took: 0.31027 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_trp_dictionary_nl_nl_en_us (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Table: wp_trp_dictionary_nl_nl_en_us cloned, operation took: 0.01094 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:08] Getting data of table: wp_trp_gettext_en_gb (1.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:09] Table: wp_trp_gettext_en_gb cloned, operation took: 0.62926 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:09] Getting data of table: wp_trp_gettext_en_us (0.63 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:09] Table: wp_trp_gettext_en_us cloned, operation took: 0.36602 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:09] Getting data of table: wp_trp_gettext_nl_nl (2.38 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_trp_gettext_nl_nl cloned, operation took: 0.49200 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_trp_original_meta (0.55 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_trp_original_meta cloned, operation took: 0.18111 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_trp_original_strings (0.84 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_trp_original_strings cloned, operation took: 0.11533 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_usermeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.00333 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_users (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_users cloned, operation took: 0.01001 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_admin_note_actions (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_admin_note_actions cloned, operation took: 0.00462 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_admin_notes (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_admin_notes cloned, operation took: 0.00743 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_category_lookup (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_category_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00110 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_customer_lookup (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_customer_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00042 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_download_log (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_download_log cloned, operation took: 0.00029 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_coupon_lookup (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_order_coupon_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00031 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_product_lookup (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_order_product_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00039 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_stats (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_order_stats cloned, operation took: 0.00027 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_tax_lookup (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_order_tax_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00033 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_product_attributes_lookup (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_product_attributes_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00032 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_product_download_directories (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_product_download_directories cloned, operation took: 0.00032 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_product_meta_lookup (0.11 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_product_meta_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00032 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_rate_limits (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_rate_limits cloned, operation took: 0.00031 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_reserved_stock (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_reserved_stock cloned, operation took: 0.00026 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_tax_rate_classes (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_tax_rate_classes cloned, operation took: 0.00120 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wc_webhooks (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wc_webhooks cloned, operation took: 0.00040 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wfblockediplog (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wfblockediplog cloned, operation took: 0.01681 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wfblocks7 (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wfblocks7 cloned, operation took: 0.01160 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wfconfig (0.48 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wfconfig cloned, operation took: 0.01955 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wfcrawlers (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wfcrawlers cloned, operation took: 0.00150 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wffilechanges (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Table: wp_wffilechanges cloned, operation took: 0.00030 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:10] Getting data of table: wp_wffilemods (14.55 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:14] Table: wp_wffilemods cloned, operation took: 3.30845 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:14] Getting data of table: wp_wfhits (0.34 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:14] Table: wp_wfhits cloned, operation took: 0.11050 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:14] Getting data of table: wp_wfhoover (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:14] Table: wp_wfhoover cloned, operation took: 0.00031 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:14] Getting data of table: wp_wfissues (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:14] Table: wp_wfissues cloned, operation took: 0.00111 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:14] Getting data of table: wp_wfknownfilelist (7.52 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Table: wp_wfknownfilelist cloned, operation took: 2.12115 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Getting data of table: wp_wflivetraffichuman (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Table: wp_wflivetraffichuman cloned, operation took: 0.00034 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Getting data of table: wp_wflocs (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Table: wp_wflocs cloned, operation took: 0.00664 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Getting data of table: wp_wflogins (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Table: wp_wflogins cloned, operation took: 0.30889 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Getting data of table: wp_wfls_2fa_secrets (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Table: wp_wfls_2fa_secrets cloned, operation took: 0.00043 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Getting data of table: wp_wfls_settings (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Table: wp_wfls_settings cloned, operation took: 0.00199 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Getting data of table: wp_wfnotifications (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Table: wp_wfnotifications cloned, operation took: 0.00137 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Getting data of table: wp_wfpendingissues (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Table: wp_wfpendingissues cloned, operation took: 0.00031 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Getting data of table: wp_wfreversecache (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Table: wp_wfreversecache cloned, operation took: 0.00100 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Getting data of table: wp_wfsnipcache (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Table: wp_wfsnipcache cloned, operation took: 0.00155 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:16] Getting data of table: wp_wfstatus (0.33 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_wfstatus cloned, operation took: 0.64911 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_wftrafficrates (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_wftrafficrates cloned, operation took: 0.00039 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_api_keys (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_woocommerce_api_keys cloned, operation took: 0.00039 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies cloned, operation took: 0.00031 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions cloned, operation took: 0.00030 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_log (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_woocommerce_log cloned, operation took: 0.00038 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00033 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_order_items (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_woocommerce_order_items cloned, operation took: 0.00043 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00036 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens cloned, operation took: 0.00043 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_sessions (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_woocommerce_sessions cloned, operation took: 0.00104 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods cloned, operation took: 0.00031 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones cloned, operation took: 0.00027 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00040 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_tax_rates (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_woocommerce_tax_rates cloned, operation took: 0.00037 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_wpgmza (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_wpgmza cloned, operation took: 0.00145 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_wpgmza_admin_notices (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_wpgmza_admin_notices cloned, operation took: 0.00078 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_wpgmza_circles (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_wpgmza_circles cloned, operation took: 0.00035 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_wpgmza_image_overlays (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_wpgmza_image_overlays cloned, operation took: 0.00043 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_wpgmza_maps (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_wpgmza_maps cloned, operation took: 0.00121 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_wpgmza_point_labels (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_wpgmza_point_labels cloned, operation took: 0.00029 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_wpgmza_polygon (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_wpgmza_polygon cloned, operation took: 0.00028 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_wpgmza_polylines (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_wpgmza_polylines cloned, operation took: 0.00036 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Getting data of table: wp_wpgmza_rectangles (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table: wp_wpgmza_rectangles cloned, operation took: 0.00036 ms
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Table data exported.
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Memory usage after data export: 75.70 MB
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Entire process took: 59.5566 s
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Database back-up voltooid
    [STEP] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Archief maken
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Aan het comprimeren...
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] PclZip-module aan het gebruiken om de back-up te maken
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Legacy-instelling: Gebruiken van standaardmodules afhankelijk van gebruikersserver
    [WARN] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Back-up wordt uitgevoerd als eenmalige aanvraag, dit proces is mogelijk instabiel.
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:42:17] Chunks bevatten 10000 bestanden.
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:44:20] Mijlpaal: 10000/38128
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:46:57] Mijlpaal: 20000/38128
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:50:19] Mijlpaal: 30000/38128
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:55:01] Mijlpaal: 38128/38128
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-11 09:55:01] Gecomprimeerd 38128 bestanden
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:55:01] Archivering van 38128 bestanden namen: 823.84s
    [STEP] [2022-07-11 09:55:01] Back-up voltooien
    [INFO] [2022-07-11 09:55:01] Manifest toevoegen...
    [STEP] [2022-07-11 09:55:01] Bestanden en archieven sluiten
    [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Bestand gedownload op (servertijd) 2022-07-11 09:55:41
    [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Laatste update (seconden) 40 seconden geleden
    [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Laatste update (datum) 2022-07-11 09:55:01
Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @ruffstream

    You said that you have experienced issues with migration.
    But the logs you shared are from backup process.

    Could you please clarify and let me know if it’s about backup or restoration?
    If it’s about restoration, please put restoration live-log at https://pastebin.com and share ??

    Your backup logs looks fine, if you experienced issue with it, please check it if the backup is visible at your backup(s) list – you can see only valid and restorable backups on that list.

    But if you can’t find your backup here, please adjust your settings:
    1. Go to “Other options” section
    2. Change backup method: https://prnt.sc/1s1ofpa
    3. Disable PHP CLI checking: https://prnt.sc/1sljr31
    4. Modify query output: https://prnt.sc/1trxucl (set this value to 100)
    5. Save “Other options” section
    6. Force stop both processes: https://prnt.sc/1trv1tm

    After that, you can try to run the backup process again.

    Let me know if that’s what you needed ??
    Thank you!

    Plugin Author iClyde


    As we didn’t hear any reply in last days.
    I can assume that you resolved the issue.

    Feel free to open new topic if I am wrong!
    Thank you ??

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • The topic ‘Problems with migrating’ is closed to new replies.