Thank you for your help! Yes, Cache enabler is definitely network-activated.
The issue becomes even more strange, because now Cache enabler is working on none of my sites – and meanwhile I did only small text changes. Here two of the urls:
arxcxhxcxoxnxsxuxlxtxixnxgx.xaxt – main blog
arxcxhxcxoxnxsxuxlxtxixnxgx.xaexu – second blog
Please remove the ‘x’ ??
Here caching is not so important, but I have a large site, where it is.
EDIT: Now I disovered that wordpress meanwhile automatically uptated from 4.9.4 to 4.9.5. Could this be the reason?
You said that in your multisite environment, Cache Enabler is working properly.
So I searches the error within my install. This should be a clean install, but in fact there a some rests from plugin testing in database. I tried:
– Removing my php.ini from the server >> no effect
– Using different plugin snippets in htaccess >> no effect
– Database reset to absolutely clean wordpress multisite install with only one post per site, wordpress theme seventeen, no plugin activated (only cache enabler)
and then a) htaccess with and without apache snippet < 2.3.9 (> 2.3.9 I get error) b) different Cache Enabler settings c) always url cache delete, cache delete, browser cache delete d) control of page source code in main and second blog with page refreshing >> no effect!!
– Installing the health check plugin which says: a) all ok besides b) PHP is only 7.0.19 (which I use because with PHP 7.1 I get WordPress errors) and c) cUrl is only 7.26.0, resommended is 7.38 (but that is part of the PHP version I suppose).
I believe you that Cache Enabler is working on multisite. And it was working partially on my sites. But I have absolutely no idea what I could try to fix it.
Any ideas? – Thank you!