Problems with my navbar. How to unlink a certain category?
Hey guys,
I have a problem with my navbar and I really hope someone can help me with it. The code for the navbar looks like that:<div id="subnavbar"> <ul id="subnav"> <?php wp_list_categories('sort_column=name&title_li=&depth=4'); ?> </ul>
and my navbar looks like:
Home I Bars/Clubs I Dining I …..
I Monday
I Tuesday
I Wednesday
I Thursday
I …..As it is right now, visitors can click on monday, tuesday and so on and get to the appropriate category. But if they click on Bars/Clubs they get a list of all posts in a randomn order. (newest to oldest posts I guess). What do I have to add to the code or change to unlink the Category Bars/Clubs? My visitors should only be able to click on MOnday through sunday.
Oh yeah, I didnt add the posts to the category Bars/Clubs. But since the other ones are subcats it automatically shows up there.
I would really appreciate some help. Thank you!
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