I am seeing this in 2.9.1 in (grand)child pages displayed in a submenu…
I’ve tried leaving these sub, sub pages’ menu orders all at 0, assuming they would then sort alphabetically by the title.
I’ve tried using a value of 1-26 (for the starting letters A-Z) assuming that then, if there are 4-5 that start with the letter “C” that all the “C” titles would group together, then sort per the next letter…. but…. NO, no joy. They group together, but then are not in order within the sub-grouping…
For the most part, my menu uses the order value for displaying the main and sub menus and it all works as expected. It’s this sub-sub menu that needs to order A to Z that doesn’t fully work correctly. While I CAN get them to sort alphabetically, within a letter group, they don’t sort in any logical manner.
I end up with something like:
Healthy East Chicago
Holy Trinity
Health Visions
In any instance I can think of, I’d expect this to be
Health Visions
Healthy East Chicago
Holy Trinity
Any ideas, anyone? I can’t provide the URL as the dev site is under additional server authentication…. but basically, my function call is written:
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&sort_column=menu_order&exclude=24,28,292,300,329,330,331,343,344,346,380'); ?>
Your ideas all very welcome as I am up against a deadline and my head is bloody from banging it against the keyboard!