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  • Same here for german special characters like ?, ?, ü, ?, …
    Everything was fine some days ago.

    Another buggy thing beside the “?” in the sql results is that I get an error when there is a special character in the column name:

    #1. [abase sql="SELECT Stra?e FROM [...]"]
    Fatal Error (1431)
    Unknown column 'Stra?e' in 'field list'
    You are using the sql="" attribute so make sure it contains a valid SQL statement. Check to make sure the spelling of all table or column names within the SQL statement are exactly correct.

    Oh God, look down from heaven. What am I to do?

    This still works fine:
    [abase columns="Stra?e" ...]

    but this newly doesn’t:
    [abase sql="SELECT Stra?e ...]

    this solutions work for me:

    enable special characters in field value:
    <div style="visibility: hidden">[abase sql="SET @@session.character_set_results=utf8"]</div>

    enable special characters in column names:
    <div style="visibility: hidden">[abase sql="SET @@session.character_set_client=utf8"]</div>

    Thread Starter svenar


    Hi wordsuppressor!

    I don’t know who you are, but your solution worked for me also :)!!!


    “…@@session.character_set_results=utf8…” was not solution in my case, maybe is PHP version…

    I forced manually the PHP connection. After line 618 in abase.php

    $abase_conn = mysql_connect($sqlHost, $sqlUser, $sqlPass) …
    //Add force utf-8 connection

    I hope this usefull to someone.

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