Hello @elnatanrodrigues93
I hope you’re well today and thank you for your questions!
The “Submissions” page isn’t related to e-mails but storing form submission data in the database.
Each of you forms has a “Data Storage” option in “Settings” section. Take a look there, please, and make sure that this option is not set to “Disable store submissions in my database”. Only if Data Storage is not disabled, submissions will show up on “Submissions” page.
As for e-mails
– are other e-mail (such as e.g. activation e-mail. lost password reminder and similar) from your site properly delivered?
– did you check SPAM folder in your inbox, just to make sure they don’t end-up there?
If those e-mails are not in SPAM and other messages are properly delivered, please first (for testing) try switching your WordPress to use SMTP for e-mail delivery instead of the default method. To do this you can use e.g. our our Branda plugin
See if that solves the problem and update us here, please.
Kind regards,