I’m glad to hear you could find a work-around! However, I must warn you that the changes that most likely caused the issues on your site were added in 4.2. What fixed the problem for you might not be to use the old version, but simply the deactivation and reactivation of the plugin.
If you start experiencing issues again, I would suggest installing our beta plugin, available here:
The beta plugin includes some fixes our developers have been working on for these kind of reported issues. As a result, using it should likely cause these problems to be resolved.
Once you install and activate the beta plugin, go to Jetpack -> Jetpack Beta and choose “Tagged Beta Releases” and make sure the “Auto-Update Jetpack when new betas are available” is checked and click the “Save my choice” button.
After you’ve installed it, and if the problem remains, could you let me know your site URL so I can take a closer look at your Jetpack settings, and check if I can help you from my end?
Could you provide a link?
You can find previous versions of the plugin here:
4.2.2 can be downloaded here. However, and as I mentioned above, 4.2.2 also includes the changes to the synchronization process that most likely caused the issues on your site, so this might not help you. Since I believe you’ve been in touch with us via email, don’t hesitate to reply to our last email to see what else we can do to help you!