• Hello, I have a problem in my multivendor market. When a European buyer enters a VAT number, the system recognizes it and removes taxes correctly. This is how it should work. But, according to European law, in cases where the buyer and seller are from the same country, even if the VAT number is entered, the TAX must not be removed. In these cases, the system is not doing it right, and it is also eliminating the TAX. We have checked this for the order of a German buyer (with VAT number) to a German seller, where VAT has not been applied. However, there is one case where it does it well. It is when the buyer and the seller are from Spain. I suspect that it is because in the configuration of the AELIA EU VAT Assistant plugin, it is configured as if the market were from Spain. But in my case, the Market is multivendor, that is, it has sellers from all over the world registered, and I do this with another plugin (Dokan). Is there a way to configure it so that the plugin does not assume that the market is in a specific country, but instead, when the order is processed, it detects the seller’s country, in order to apply the taxes correctly? So that, if it detects that the country of the buyer and the seller are the same, and the buyer enters a VAT number, the TAXes are not eliminated.
    Thank you.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Diego


    The EU VAT Assistant doesn’t support multivendor configurations, out of the box. The reason why a VAT exemption is applied in your case is that the check works by comparing the shop’s base country (not the vendors’, as the plugin is not aware of them) with the customer’s country. If the two are different, and the VAT number is valid, then the EU VAT Assistant applies an exemption.

    If you need to make the exemption conditional to the country of the vendors, you will need to use some custom code for that purpose. This is outside the scope of the support, but you can use the following snippet as a starting point:

    // Replace <CUSTOMER COUNTRY MATCHES THE ONE FROM THE VENDOR> with a check to compare customer's
    // country with the vendor's country
    add_filter('wc_aelia_eu_vat_assistant_customer_vat_exemption', function($enable_vat_exemption, $customer_country, $vat_number, $vat_number_validated, $vat_validation_response) {
      if($enable_vat_exemption && <CUSTOMER COUNTRY MATCHES THE ONE FROM THE VENDOR>) {
        $enable_vat_exemption = false;
      return $enable_vat_exemption;
    }, 10, 5);

    Important: you might also want to check what you should do if the customer is buying products from multiple vendors. By design, the EU VAT Assistant applies an exemption on the whole order, whereas, with multiple vendors, you might have to apply it on specific products, e.g. by setting their VAT rate to “Zero Rated” (see https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/exclude-product-from-tax-exemption/#post-12634791).

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