Problems with the daily/weekly mails
Hi, loving your plugin!
I find your plugin very helpful in keeping members engaged in our online community.
I noticed that the options for a daily or weekly summary doesn’t work. Sending messages directly does work correctly (All Email).
When I look in my database, I can see the two tables wp_bpges_queued_items and wp_bpges_subscriptions.
The ‘wp_bpges_subscriptions’ also has records. The first is, and remains, empty. Also the [domain name]?sum=1 option only shows the two headers, but no further enumeration of items to be sent.
Do you have an idea how I can solve this?
Hello – Thanks for the message and sorry to hear that you’re having problems.
The empty
table means one of two things: (1) items are being properly queued, and then are being sent out, at which point they are (by design) deleted from the table, or (2) digest items are not being properly queued in the first place.As each of these point to a different kind of problem, it would be helpful if you could determine which is the case. Ensure that at least one user is subscribed to a group with either ‘weekly’ or ‘daily’ digest setting. You can verify this by ensuring that the user_id/group_id combo in the
table says ‘sum’ (weekly) or ‘dig’ (daily). Then, post a piece of activity to the group, such as a new activity update or a new forum post (assuming you’re using forums). Finally, check thewp_bpges_queued_items
table immediately to see if there’s an entry corresponding to the newly created activity item.Hi , I am also a fan of your plugin and would like to help.
Your description above made me check my db:
- From February ’23 onwards, the queued items are not cleared from the table ‘wp_bpges_queued_items’. Going back, there is nothing from 2022, even though I know for sure that digests have been sent. Then I see a few items from September ’21 as well, so maybe an update in between has changed something.
- Checking the page ‘sum=1’ for my page now, shows around 20 mails, but the ‘wp_bpges_queued_items’ has more than 86 items, which seems correct – fits the members of the group.
Hope this is helpful.
Hi Lars – Thanks for sharing. If you see that items are *not* cleared from
, it means that the items *have not* been sent. So the fact that you see nothing from 2022 is good, because it means that there are no pending items. If items have not been sent from Feb 23, it probably means that your cron jobs are not being run. See, Boone, thanks for the hints.
This is my log from Feb. 1. onwards:
01-Feb-2023 05:00:10] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-01 05:00:03.
[01-Feb-2023 05:00:22] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-01 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 83 users.
[02-Feb-2023 05:00:12] Beginning digest batch of type sum for timestamp 2023-02-02 05:00:04.
[02-Feb-2023 05:00:13] Finished digest run of type sum for timestamp 2023-02-02 05:00:04. Digests were sent to a total of 2 users.
[02-Feb-2023 05:00:14] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-02 05:00:13.
[02-Feb-2023 05:00:14] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-02 05:00:13. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[03-Feb-2023 05:00:10] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-03 05:00:03.
[03-Feb-2023 05:00:10] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-03 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[04-Feb-2023 05:00:11] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-04 05:00:03.
[04-Feb-2023 05:00:11] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-04 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[05-Feb-2023 05:00:10] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-05 05:00:03.
[05-Feb-2023 05:00:10] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-05 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[06-Feb-2023 05:00:10] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-06 05:00:03.
[06-Feb-2023 05:00:10] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-06 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[07-Feb-2023 05:00:12] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-07 05:00:03.
[07-Feb-2023 05:00:12] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-07 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[08-Feb-2023 05:00:04] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-08 05:00:03.
[08-Feb-2023 05:00:04] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-08 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[08-Feb-2023 05:01:04] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-08 05:01:03.
[08-Feb-2023 05:01:04] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-08 05:01:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[09-Feb-2023 05:00:16] Beginning digest batch of type sum for timestamp 2023-02-09 05:00:08.
[09-Feb-2023 05:00:16] Finished digest run of type sum for timestamp 2023-02-09 05:00:08. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[09-Feb-2023 05:00:17] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-09 05:00:16.
[09-Feb-2023 05:00:17] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-09 05:00:16. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[10-Feb-2023 05:00:08] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-10 05:00:04.
[10-Feb-2023 05:00:08] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-10 05:00:04. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[11-Feb-2023 05:00:07] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-11 05:00:04.
[11-Feb-2023 05:00:07] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-11 05:00:04. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[12-Feb-2023 05:00:05] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-12 05:00:04.
[12-Feb-2023 05:00:05] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-12 05:00:04. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[13-Feb-2023 05:00:11] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-13 05:00:03.
[13-Feb-2023 05:00:11] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-13 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[14-Feb-2023 05:00:09] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-14 05:00:05.
[14-Feb-2023 05:00:09] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-14 05:00:05. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[15-Feb-2023 05:00:16] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-15 05:00:03.
[15-Feb-2023 05:00:16] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-15 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[16-Feb-2023 05:00:04] Beginning digest batch of type sum for timestamp 2023-02-16 05:00:03.
[16-Feb-2023 05:00:04] Finished digest run of type sum for timestamp 2023-02-16 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[16-Feb-2023 05:00:05] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-16 05:00:04.
[16-Feb-2023 05:00:05] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-16 05:00:04. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[17-Feb-2023 05:00:11] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-17 05:00:03.
[17-Feb-2023 05:00:11] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-17 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[18-Feb-2023 05:00:08] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-18 05:00:03.
[18-Feb-2023 05:00:08] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-18 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[19-Feb-2023 05:00:06] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-19 05:00:04.
[19-Feb-2023 05:00:06] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-19 05:00:04. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[20-Feb-2023 05:00:07] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-20 05:00:03.
[20-Feb-2023 05:00:07] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-20 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[21-Feb-2023 05:00:03] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-21 05:00:03.
[21-Feb-2023 05:00:03] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-21 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[22-Feb-2023 05:00:10] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-22 05:00:03.
[22-Feb-2023 05:00:10] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-22 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[23-Feb-2023 05:00:07] Beginning digest batch of type sum for timestamp 2023-02-23 05:00:03.
[23-Feb-2023 05:00:07] Finished digest run of type sum for timestamp 2023-02-23 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[23-Feb-2023 05:00:08] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-23 05:00:08.
[23-Feb-2023 05:00:08] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-23 05:00:08. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[24-Feb-2023 05:00:04] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-24 05:00:03.
[24-Feb-2023 05:00:04] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-24 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[25-Feb-2023 05:00:15] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-25 05:00:03.
[25-Feb-2023 05:00:15] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-25 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[26-Feb-2023 05:00:10] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-26 05:00:03.
[26-Feb-2023 05:00:10] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-26 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[27-Feb-2023 05:00:07] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-27 05:00:03.
[27-Feb-2023 05:00:07] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-27 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[27-Feb-2023 15:06:49] Beginning batch of immediate notifications for 7206.
[27-Feb-2023 15:06:49] Finished sending immediate notifications for 7206. A total of 0 notifications were sent over all batches.
[27-Feb-2023 19:30:05] Beginning batch of immediate notifications for 7208.
[27-Feb-2023 19:30:05] Finished sending immediate notifications for 7208. A total of 0 notifications were sent over all batches.
[28-Feb-2023 05:00:07] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-28 05:00:03.
[28-Feb-2023 05:00:19] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-02-28 05:00:03. Digests were sent to a total of 84 users.
[01-Mar-2023 05:00:13] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2023-03-01 05:00:06.
[01-Mar-2023 05:00:13] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2023-03-01 05:00:06. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
[02-Mar-2023 06:18:27] Beginning batch of immediate notifications for 7216.
[02-Mar-2023 06:18:27] Finished sending immediate notifications for 7216. A total of 0 notifications were sent over all batches.
[12-Apr-2023 08:02:49] Beginning batch of immediate notifications for 7257.
[12-Apr-2023 08:02:49] Finished sending immediate notifications for 7257. A total of 0 notifications were sent over all different from Feb to March/April
The frequency is very different from Feb to March/April.
I contacted support at WP Engine, and they said that cron jobs on the server was OK:
I still have around 20 emails pending that should have gone out today.
Can you make anything of this?
LarsLars – The group of zeros suggests that the cron jobs were running properly, but that during that time there simply was nothing to send. More specifically, at each daily cron event, there were no items in
that BPGES deemed were “pending” for that specific send. This could be caused by one of two things. (a) There wasn’t actually any relevant activity on the site. In other words, there were no items posted in any groups that had digest subscribers during this time. (b) Something prevented the items from being queued in the database table. Can you confirm that (a) is not the case? Ie, can you confirm that there *ought* to have been digest content during this time?Yesterday, I added 10 minutes to the daily digest time, and then the mails went out this morning. It was as if ‘turn it off and turn it on again’ worked.
83 mails were sent, only 2 left in ‘queued items’ db-table for some reason.
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