Problems with WP Multisite Domain Mapping and DreamHost
I recently set up a Multisite on DreamHost shared hosting and have added only one subsite. I installed and set up the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin as well.
I’m using subfolders in the Multisite settings as opposed to subdomains.
My primary domain is
The subsite is
I’d like to map the domain to the subside domains are fully hosted with DreamHost and I have parked to the same directory being used by
I had this working just fine last night. Today, when I first went to, I got a DreamHost parked “coming soon” page. I also noticed that when looking at the site via FTP, a folder had been created at that I didn’t put there, so I’m assuming the WordPress installation created it? Three files, two favicon files and one called quickstart.html, were inside the /hn folder. I deleted all of those files and now the domain just shows an empty index page. If I delete the /hn folder completely, returns an internal server error.
I’ve turned off my security and caching plugins, just in case they were somehow causing the problem. I’ve done some research on this and I’m beginning to wonder if I’m out of luck for Multisite on DreamHost shared hosting unless I decide to pay for a dedicated IP address.
I’ve gathered screenshots of my current settings for everything related to mapping the domain: let me know if you have any suggestions!
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