• Resolved scienceofspock


    Howdy, y’all!
    I’m trying to use wp_mail to send emails out through an office 365 relay. I was told that the relay is configured to only accept traffic from the server I am working from, port 25 and requires no login and pass, and I am able to telnet to the server and send mail on port 25 without authenticating, so that part seems good, but I cannot send mail using wp_mail. It simply throws an error “SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.”

    I have my phpmailer config set thusly:

    add_action( ‘phpmailer_init’, ‘o365_init’ );
    function o365_init( $phpmailer ) {
    $phpmailer->Host = ‘myrelayhostname’;
    $phpmailer->SMTPAuth = false;
    $phpmailer->Port = 25;
    $phpmailer->SMTPDebug = false;

    What am I doing wrong? Is there any way I can squeeze any more info out of this other than “Duh, can’t connect to host, boss!”

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  • Moderator t-p


    Have you tried setting-up SMTP?

    You can use a plugin for it, for example: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/search/smtp/

    Thread Starter scienceofspock


    I am unsure what you mean by “Have you tried setting up SMTP?” As I mention above, the SMTP server is set up, and I even included my confug for phpmailer. I can telnet directly to the SMTP server without authentication and send mail, but cannot do the same thing with wp_mail.

    Thread Starter scienceofspock


    For reference, here is the SMTP debug log (Server names and IPs have been changed):

    2018-05-02 00:18:51	SERVER -> CLIENT: 220 mymailserver Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Wed, 2 May 2018 00:18:50 +0000
    2018-05-02 00:18:51	CLIENT -> SERVER: EHLO www.mysite.com
    2018-05-02 00:18:51	SERVER -> CLIENT: 250-mymailserver Hello []
                       	                  250-SIZE 157286400
                       	                  250 SMTPUTF8
    2018-05-02 00:18:51	CLIENT -> SERVER: STARTTLS
    2018-05-02 00:18:51	SERVER -> CLIENT: 220 2.0.0 SMTP server ready
    2018-05-02 00:18:51	SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.
    2018-05-02 00:18:51	CLIENT -> SERVER: QUIT
    2018-05-02 00:18:51	SERVER -> CLIENT:
    2018-05-02 00:18:51	SMTP ERROR: QUIT command failed:
    2018-05-02 00:18:51	SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.

    I notice that both server and client issue STARTTSL, but I don’t have that turned on. I also find it odd that the SMTP Error happens immediately after the server reports ready, so I’m not sure why that is happening.



    I’d guess that the remote server is configured incorrectly. It is advertising STARTTLS but is aborting the instant PHPMailer switches to TLS. So try adding the following line and see if it helps:

    $phpmailer->SMTPAutoTLS = false;

    Your emails will then be sent in plaintext, which appears to be what your mail server wants. Hopefully you will never have a man-in-the middle-attack…

    Thread Starter scienceofspock


    Dion: That was it totally. I didn’t even know AutoTLS was a thing and I was trying to figure out why it was attempting TLS when I specifically had SMTPSecure set to false! Thanks so much for the help!

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