Process Code
I’m happy with MAgic Action Box. But After many days I used again and
the process code button is in a loop, It’s no continue. I left stop.Do you have any idea could be?
Thank for your support
My version of WordPress 4.5.1 and de Magic Action Box is 2.17.1
Hi Elsa,
I’m not sure what you mean by “in a loop”. screenshots would be helpful. what code are you processing?
Hello, thanks for answering.
I mean the process button code. “Process Code”. The button does not work as it stays forever thinking and does not process the code.
Can you send us the code you are trying to process?
It’s the Raw HTML
<style type=”text/css”>
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function CheckField634811(fldName, frm){ if ( frm[fldName].length ) { for ( var i = 0, l = frm[fldName].length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( frm[fldName].type ==’select-one’ ) { if( frm[fldName][i].selected && i==0 && frm[fldName][i].value == ” ) { return false; } if ( frm[fldName][i].selected ) { return true; } } else { if ( frm[fldName][i].checked ) { return true; } }; } return false; } else { if ( frm[fldName].type == “checkbox” ) { return ( frm[fldName].checked ); } else if ( frm[fldName].type == “radio” ) { return ( frm[fldName].checked ); } else { frm[fldName].focus(); return (frm[fldName].value.length > 0); }} }
function rmspaces(x) {var leftx = 0;var rightx = x.length -1;while ( x.charAt(leftx) == ‘ ‘) { leftx++; }while ( x.charAt(rightx) == ‘ ‘) { –rightx; }var q = x.substr(leftx,rightx-leftx + 1);if ( (leftx == x.length) && (rightx == -1) ) { q =”; } return(q); }
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function isemail(data) {var flag = false;if ( data.indexOf(“@”,0) == -1 || data.indexOf(“\\”,0) != -1 ||data.indexOf(“/”,0) != -1 ||!checkfield(data) || data.indexOf(“.”,0) == -1 || data.indexOf(“@”) == 0 ||data.lastIndexOf(“.”) < data.lastIndexOf(“@”) ||data.lastIndexOf(“.”) == (data.length – 1) ||data.lastIndexOf(“@”) != data.indexOf(“@”) ||data.indexOf(“,”,0) != -1 ||data.indexOf(“:”,0) != -1 ||data.indexOf(“;”,0) != -1 ) {return flag;} else {var temp = rmspaces(data);if (temp.indexOf(‘ ‘,0) != -1) { flag = true; }var d3 = temp.lastIndexOf(‘.’) + 4;var d4 = temp.substring(0,d3);var e2 = temp.length – temp.lastIndexOf(‘.’) – 1;var i1 = temp.indexOf(‘@’);if ( (temp.charAt(i1+1) == ‘.’) || ( e2 < 1 ) ) { flag = true; }return !flag;}}
function CheckFieldD634811(fldH, chkDD, chkMM, chkYY, reqd, frm){ var retVal = true; var dt = validDate634811(chkDD, chkMM, chkYY, frm); var nDate = frm[chkMM].value + ” ” + frm[chkDD].value + ” ” + frm[chkYY].value; if ( dt == null && reqd == 1 ) { nDate = “”; retVal = false; } else if ( (frm[chkDD].value != “” || frm[chkMM].value != “” || frm[chkYY].value != “”) && dt == null) { retVal = false; nDate = “”;} if ( retVal ) {frm[fldH].value = nDate;} return retVal; }
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function _checkSubmit634811(frm){
if ( !isemail(frm[“fldEmail”].value) ) {
alert(“Por favor introduzca el Email”);
return false;
if ( !CheckField634811(“fldfirstname”, frm) ) {
alert(“Por favor introduzca el Nombre”);
return false;
return true; }
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<div class=bm_headetext634811>Únete a iEncontre</div></div>
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<div id=tblFieldData634811 style=’text-align:left;’><div class=bmform_frmtext634811>
Email <span style=’color:#CC0000;font-size:125%;’> *</span> </div>
<input type=text class=bmform_frm634811 name=fldEmail maxlength=100 /><div class=bmform_frmtext634811>
Nombre <span style=’color:#CC0000;font-size:125%;’> *</span> </div>
<input type=text class=bmform_frm634811 name=fldfirstname maxlength=100 />
</div><div class=bmform_button634811><input type=”submit” id=”btnSubmit” value=”si, quiero” krydebug=”1751″ class=bmform_submit634811 />
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<table id=”tblRequiredField634811″ width=”220″ border=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ ><tr><td align=right style=’font-size:10px;’>
* Campo Obligatorio
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‘I can process the code you sent just fine on my website.
Would you like us to check out the problem on your wordpress dashboard? If so, please open a support ticket at and we’ll work from there.
Hi! Ryann
Yes, I opened a support ticket a few days ago, May 8.
thanks for your help
Hi! Ryann
I like your plugin is very good.
I do not know if uninstalling the plugin I would lose all my work. Another thing that worries me is that I read that sometimes if It’s uninstall can damage the template.
Could you please check the ticket that I opened as you indicated to me some time ago.
Thanks in advance
I created the ticket and I did not receive answers.
This is not resolved
Hi @elsy,
I already answered you on the ticket you created you should have received an email about my reply last May 31.
Long story short, it was wordfence. I activated training mode on the firewall, ran process code, and enabled the firewall again.
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