Processing markup potentially possible?
Hi Patrick
First off thank you for making this plugin available. I’ve been looking all over for a WP lazyloading plugin which also generates placeholders since I’m finding that the lazy loading UX can otherwise be too disruptive.
And when your plugin works it does so really well. Unfortunately it doesn’t work for most of the page templates in my custom built theme, despite enabling wp_get_attachment_image support and ACF support. Per your FAQ that leaves passing the html to get_lazysizes_html, which as a non-dev I have no idea how to do.
Another plugin I came across which does have an option that works with my theme is Florian Brinkmann’s Lazy Loader:
Unfortunately the plugin doesn’t offer any placeholder option, which is why I am still looking for a replacement.
But the option that it does have and which gets it to work with my theme is to “Process the complete markup”. He describes that option as follows:
Instead of just modifying specific parts of the page (for example, the post content, post thumbnail), the complete generated markup is processed. With that, all images (and other media, if you enabled it) will be lazy loaded. Because the plugin needs to process more markup with that option enabled, it might slow down the page generation time a bit. If your page contains HTML errors, like unclosed tags, this might lead to unwanted behavior, because the DOM parser used by Lazy Loader tries to correct that.
Is that potentially something you think might make sense to consider as an option for your plugin?
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